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It's quite sad Clark had a dream to play in the WNBA one day only to find out your dream was a nightmare. Said it before, she should've stayed at Iowa one more year, collected a lifetime $ of endorsements and spurned the Pros like Nile Kinnick. Why join a league that's 70% angry lesbians.... ...
[quote]Four is nothing but a long music video.[/quote] :lol: This is fair. I think it out-montaged RAD by a country mile....which is impressive....
Gross.... America's deep state team.... [img]https://www.analyzingamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Screen-Shot-2023-10-03-at-11.16.03-PM.jpg[/img] [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP._JWV-nf8wokW8HGokdFG3QAAAA?dpr=1.3&pid=ImgDetMain[/img]...
Mao and Jim.Jones don't got nothing on this next level brainwashing....
[quote]1 is the best. 1 is my favorite.[/quote]...
It hurts to watch his movies now....knowing he was probably "method acting" in Raging Bull and IRL he's just as unhinged, oh the Godfather would not approve. He's become Fredo....
[quote]The Wildcats will also play a pair of Big Ten games at Wrigley Field in Chicago--against Ohio State on Nov. 16 and Illinois on Nov. 30.[/quote] No shite. :lol: Ohio State isn't playing in a 15,000 seat Texas high school like stadium. That's just degrading....
[img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.b2404126b7e5da761e32ecf5ad128290?rik=hZD0eSqERWUw9g&riu=http%3a%2f%2fwww.cbc.ca%2fdragonsden%2fcontent%2fimages%2fs8e1%2fkevin_waste_of_time.gif&ehk=u7cGA9TKgV3tUEhJBRW%2bmYU6YU0kAvFl3Y3ONt0skhw%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0[/img] It's why College is just producing reta...
[quote]That would be like the SEC recognizing Arkansas' SWC championships as "SEC Championships"[/quote] The BIG10 takes credit for Nebraska's 3 National Championships in the 90s....if you have ever watched the BIG10 Network and their countdown of the greatest BIG10 teams of all-time. :lol:...
"You're a man who can fix things." Wolf's :lol: Is QT calling his lawyer now? [img]https://andscape.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/pulp-fiction.gif[/img] ...
Her stupid, agenda driven coach apparently keeps benching her down the stretch....and it happened again. Why did they draft her, if they don't want HER? The League is trying its best to put her in a box and make her just like everyone else. Unspecial, unwatchable....
The French....this is their great American Novel and they keep going back to the well. The story is so good, I'll probably seek it out. But how many times are they gonna remake this? It's like America's "Little Women". It's been done over and over....

re: Horizon- Kevin Costner

Posted by mizzoubuckeyeiowa on 5/29/24 at 1:27 pm
[quote]I'm super pumped about it, but reviews from the Cannes viewing were pretty poor. [/quote] I'm not taking advice from European snobs, especially when it comes to Westerns....

re: Horizon- Kevin Costner

Posted by mizzoubuckeyeiowa on 5/29/24 at 8:58 am
Costner has finally probably got it figured out....with Yellowstone and now this. He should just go full Western from here on out.. There was a thread last week, "can Westerns make a comeback?". Costner might be our last hope....
[quote]That advantage is less important in a sport like baseball. And because white people have a much larger population than black people, the odds are that the larger talent pool would be a bigger advantage than the athletic advantage black people have.[/quote] There was a Sports Illustrated co...
[quote]Probably the same people making a big deal about Caitlyn Clark scoring more against girls than pistol Pete against males.[/quote] I like Clark and have defended her on this site but the scoring title is really a bridge too far. Apples and Oranges. ...
[quote]I would add: Frailty The Prestige The Secret in Their Eyes ([b]original Argentine version[/b]) The Spanish Prisoner[/quote] You have good taste. All of those are some of the best. And yes, ignore the American remake of The Secret In Their Eyes. If Spanish Prisoner is liked by ...

re: Negro League stats to count

Posted by mizzoubuckeyeiowa on 5/28/24 at 11:28 pm
[i]Over at the Seamheads Negro Leagues database, a dedicated few have combed through newspapers and scorebooks, photo albums and microfiche to piece together the most complete statistical record of the Negro Leagues to date.[/i] The main researchers since 2020 have been fighting to get cobbled to...
I trust that most new movies are probably gonna kinda suck. They have lost their way....like the Little Puppy. In the 80s, I trusted that.... [img]https://www.cultcelebrities.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/cannon_group_logo_1_gif.gif[/img] Movies were going to be awesome....and simply abou...
Nobody has the faintest. Stop pretending that people really watch and analyze all the teams until Omaha....