Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Baton Rouge
Occupation:Software engineer
Number of Posts:4136
Registered on:1/9/2004
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I watched up until the last episode of the first season but never finished it. To me it was just pretty looking garbage. If they had done even a halfway decent job of story telling I think people would be way more forgiving, but when a show is a slog to get through every little nit pick gets magnifi...
I'd tried watching Black Sails a couple of times in the past with the wife, but she never got into it so we never got past episode 2 or 3. I finally just started watching it on my own and damn is it awesome. I'm on Season 2 episode 3 (I think). Vane just solved the Ned Low problem and he's definitel...

re: Bluey : The Sign

Posted by TigerNutwhack on 4/21/24 at 8:54 am
Flat Pack was the one that, after having seen bits an pieces of it while the kids watched it several times, jumped up and slapped me in the face when I finally sat down and paid attention. "This is Heaven" just did me in....
The internet says there's 10 episodes, so that wasn't the season finale. My guess is they'll do some time shenanigans with Cable to undo some of that, especially if Magneto is toasted, but it was still pretty awesome. This show is definitely hitting me right in the nostalgia, but I've been lo...
[quote] Notice that, when you fight Jenova Lifebringer that everyone in the party besides Cloud is so enraged that their limits automatically activate[/quote] I noticed the limits but hadn't connected the dots to them being enraged. Good catch there! And after rewatching the ending, and thin...
[quote]I've been stuck at the final phase of the last boss for 4 hours. I get his HP down to 10% and I fail the DPS check at the end every single time. I guess I'm supposed to stagger him but it's almost impossible to hit him because of all the knockback.[/quote] I just beat the game today. Th...
[quote]After I read this the combat system makes more sense. I've always thought it was fun but massively prefer turn based. I'm now going to start looking at the ATB gauges as the players turn. When one fills up, switch to the next character to fill theirs up, then the 3rd, repeat instead of mainly...
Definitely assess everything you fight, it's much more important than in remake. Bosses and enemies that can tank tons of conventional damage melt under the right conditions. Also, once you assess something you can always hit the touchpad button to pull up the information. It took me way too lon...
[quote]I broke my controller today playing the 4th Fort Condor mission.[/quote] Yeah, every other map was super easy then this one just went crazy. Trebuchets on the other side o the middle wall is what eventually got me there....
It looks really fun. I might have to give it a chance once it's had a week or two to settle in....

re: Ready Player One

Posted by TigerNutwhack on 2/9/24 at 5:59 pm
I loved the book the first time I read/listened to it. On the second and third time through it became more apparent Wade was kinda a creep and crappy person and it became harder to enjoy. One thing about the movie is Wade is a much more likable character. ...
I finished the demo this morning. This game is going to be very dangerous to me :lol: I thought the combat still felt very much like Remake but a little smoother, Cloud moved a little faster in the Demo and aerial combat was much smoother for him. I didn't play enough to really get a handle on ...

re: Twilight (2008)

Posted by TigerNutwhack on 2/3/24 at 4:40 am
[quote]This movie is only worthwhile paired with the RiffTrax to it. Seriously, skipping watching this clip and just buying the audio file turns a shitty movie into one of the best comedies of the past decade With regard to your first pic “The producers of Twilight would like to remind you tha...
Agreed, I love combat in Remake. I'm almost done with my second playthrough, and I'm hoping I can get through Crisis Core before the 29th but I dont know if that's going to happen. I've never played it before but it looks like it's going to be important to Rebirth....

re: Corey Raymond is back

Posted by TigerNutwhack on 1/17/24 at 7:02 am
I'm not crazy about this hire but I'm not dreading it either. Let's hope BK can rehabilitate Raymond from his last few years of very sub par performances into the type of coach and recruiter we know he can be. And hopefully he's been humbled a bit and won't try to hold us hostage every year....
[quote]Has there been any indication that LSU has reached out to Scott?[/quote] Wondering the same. Is there any meat to this or is this just a Coaching Changes board fabrication? And can we will this into being? ...
This board has convinced me that Karl Scott is the savior of our secondary, so hopefully he's one of those moving pieces. ...

re: New Bluey Episodes dropped

Posted by TigerNutwhack on 1/13/24 at 4:11 pm
I have a niece that is actually so much like muffin that my kids started calling her that lol...

re: New Bluey Episodes dropped

Posted by TigerNutwhack on 1/13/24 at 3:12 pm
We watched all the new episodes last night. As someone who lost his mom at a young age, Dragon really got me. All solid episodes....
It's stories like this that make me realize there is an ugly monster inside of me that would do terrible things under the right circumstances. These creatures should never see the light of day again. ...