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Registered on:1/1/2015
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[quote]Logistics makes that impossible[/quote] Reality and facts have no place here....
[quote]Not if they’re not in controlled space or flying IFR. Most fields across the country don’t have towers.[/quote] 4000 houses with pilots might be a bit much for first come, first served. :lol:...
[quote]I’m so sick of hearing about her[/quote] This...
Yes, Trump has brought the vast majority of the heat upon himself. To say otherwise is just denying reality....
[quote]The biggest fault of this board is thinking most of society views things through the lens of this board.[/quote] Exactly. The cultists can't believe anyone doesn't think exactly like they do unless they are a die hard prog. Completely binary....

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by BuckyCheese on 6/1/24 at 7:15 pm
I'd guess Mercedes is the same. It has been the past several years anyway....

re: Pictures from days gone by....

Posted by BuckyCheese on 6/1/24 at 7:11 pm
[img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GO88db-aoAAurNV?format=jpg&name=small[/img] [img]https://media.tenor.com/PimoO492r8EAAAAM/i-kinda-like-it-kind-of.gif[/img]...
[quote]Bro, he's just a resolute Christian that isn't bothered by abortion, a dad showering with his 12 yo daughter and said daughter writing about how it fricked her up, etc.[/quote] Like I said; a troll ...
[quote]I love how the party that openly embraces nationalism accuses their opponents of being Nazi's.[/quote] You obviously have no idea what fascism/Nazism is. The left is great at projection....
What's this "turning the frogs gay" shite?...
[quote]My son wants to be like the extremely feminine Drew Brees and LeBron James [/quote] You spawned? I'll assume the result of your trysts with the homeless. Heaven help us.......
[quote]I can't agree with this thought. [/quote][img]https://y.yarn.co/0c7fe3db-d2ec-4dfc-8778-1f02e31b36b3_text.gif[/img]...
[quote]Not just that. Any CEO or wealthy person should be very scared about how the Dems just used lawfare to go after their enemies.[/quote] And their desire to double the capital gains tax AND floating the idea of taxing unrealized gains....
[quote]All I heard in last election was vote Trump or the country was going to burn down if Biden won. Hasn't happened yet.... Country is still here and it will still be here in four years even if Biden wins. [/quote] You need to look at the trajectory and the likelihood of reversing it after 4 ...
[quote]They’re starting to put them next to nuclear power plants due to the need for power. Nuclear more important than ever with these things.[/quote] There are multiple DC's in the suburb and obviously they are building more. Not sure where the power is coming from. Coal plants are closing arou...
Just to be clear, my example of Elgin IL is not BFE. While Prineville seems to be....
[quote]The largest data center in the United States is owned by Meta Platforms (Facebook), spanning a total of 4.6 million square feet, which is located in Prineville, Oregon, a city situated approximately 150 miles southeast of Portland.[/quote] This is kind of what I was getting at. Prineville ...