Favorite team:Arkansas 
Number of Posts:19936
Registered on:12/21/2014
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[quote] Liked our bats, worried about pitching. Used way too many pitchers against SEMO. After smith pitches tonight, who will step up against a hot hitting team?[/quote] I was more concerned about our pitching unit I saw that SEMO hit the ball so well today. They are a good hitting team. I wa...

re: Rate Kirby on the red carpet

Posted by Clark14 on 6/1/24 at 5:36 pm
Whatever works I reckon. Nutt brought in the Batmobile for a player one time. It worked…dammit.....
[quote]Some people worship Joe Biden.[/quote] Who? Have you seen his rallies? But if you want to worship a politician more power to you I guess....
[quote]I'm shocked at the amount of liberals from the SEC on this board. Maybe some day they'll open their eyes.[/quote] Everyone who doesn’t worship trump are not liberals. Some people just have good common sense....
[quote]We SEC originals were thinking the same right before 1992.[/quote] Wasn’t that expansion done to have divisions and a championship game? There was no good reason past that....
[quote]Mickey plyler source says Clemson to SEC confirm [/quote] Why? Why destroy another conference? I hope the SEC finished expanding....
[quote]Dave looks like a genius taking the early game now.[/quote] Dave, the weather man…..haha.....
[quote]Ridiculous terminology. However, as someone who started off opposed to the guy, I've come to respect Trump's resilience as much as I disrespect the Berians he's combatting You seemed to cast policy and political positions in the wastebin prior to your diatribe though. Have you even glanced a...
[quote]but your tds[/quote] This is a derangement you have. I feel sorry for you....
[quote]Well said. I am simply amazed how people I have known and respected my entire life have abandoned reason and logic and will believe anything Trump says. His ability to manipulate the fear and anger of the populace to suit his needs is frightening. He is without honor.[/quote] I’m glad so...
[quote]Does ESPN pay its commentators by the hour or something? Why won’t they let the commentators fill us in on what’s going on with the weather delay and chat to pass time instead of running the same commercial over and over again on ESPN+?[/quote] From my experience when this happens I have t...
[quote]Omg weather delay at 10pm in the 6th inning [/quote] Dadgummit, I just found this game after giving up on the first rain delay. My bad. I went full pio on jinxing it…...
[quote]There’s a sucker born every minute but 52 million in 24 hours is a lot of damn money[/quote] Will he pay his lawyers, and Rudy and the pillow dude are going bankrupt. Will he help them? Hell no, he don’t care about those who have lost it all and those sitting in jail, it’s all about him. ...
[quote]Looks like a Biden rally.[/quote] Like trump wanting to see any of his kids graduate….....
[quote]I’m not sure I remember this many day 1 games going down to the wire. There have only been a few beat downs all day College baseball has come a long way [/quote] This is a good place to look for coaches. Ones who can get results with less talent. Anyone looking for a coach should pay atte...
He’ll walk away Scot -free and his lawyer will be disbarred and serve prison time. That’s the trump way. Let someone else pay for your crimes. What a great guy....
We’ve had our ADs and coaches handing food out to fans who camped in tents before games in order to get in. 2 boxes of pizza and a six pack of who knows what seems pretty weak. You’re going to have to step up your game dude....
[quote]That was a moonshot by amick[/quote] I don’t want to see some dude’s butt…...