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[quote]It’s time for Megyn Kelly to get naked, that’s what it’s time for.[/quote]yep, but right now this is as close as it gets: [img]https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/d6Foh0.EOzZ3CsxvonlYfg--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTY0MDtoPTk2MQ--/https://media.zenfs.com/en-US/homerun/people_218/0cd7772490455e...

re: A valuable lesson to both sides

Posted by dcbl on 6/1/24 at 1:35 pm
[quote]the only TRUE Christian POTUS in the past century was Carter[/quote] nope Reagan as well both fine men of character read this letter from Reagan to his dying FIL https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/opinions/wp/2018/09/14/ronald-reagans-letter-to-his-dying-father-in-law-annotate...

re: Report from Charlotte and Bea...

Posted by dcbl on 5/31/24 at 10:44 pm
[quote]Will provide picture per TD rules at a later date.[/quote] ah, we’re good - a pic of trashy, old and really stupid women doesn’t seem like a good idea…...
[quote]Very surprised by Nashville -687k[/quote]im not, Nashville is getting shitty and liberal, while surrounding cities are busting at the seams with growth...

re: Updated Week 1 CFB lines

Posted by dcbl on 5/28/24 at 1:38 pm
That 1st game is a must win for Florida if the Disney Gators wanna keep Sunbelt Billy...

re: 3 peat SEC All Sports Champs

Posted by dcbl on 5/28/24 at 11:49 am
[quote]Ga Tech going to Athens[/quote]did they get what many thought was Florida’s spot :dunno:...
This is awesome - props to DeSantis for making education better in Florida!!!...
[quote]was karen in that issue?[/quote] Would you want to read it if she was :dunno: [img]https://i0.wp.com/hyperallergic-newspack.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2022/02/karenmeme-e1645956525493.jpeg?fit=1200%2C1469&quality=95&ssl=1[/img]...
Damn, that’s horrible Seems like now is a good time to accept the hand that Putin has offered and accept peace :cheers:...
[quote]Russia and NK are clearly terrified of Biden and will do anything to get rid of him![/quote] Finally, something that makes sense!! :USA:...
[quote]Bet you wouldnt say that on OT, dcbl, lol[/quote]sure I would, we should have never been involved with this “war” - hell, it really looks like we started it by violating the old pact about NATO expansion… ...
[quote]his proposal involves Russia keeping Ukrainian territory[/quote]*you mean Russian territory ...
[quote]I was just past the stage of noticing. Pretty girls,[/quote]so, that happened early on for you - eh?...
[quote]for your enjoyment[/quote] Girls sports, no pics frick off with this weak arse thread ...
[quote]Red Lobster.[/quote]sucks - I was taken as a child; have/will never go back...
It’s sick, twisted and evil what was done to him, and so many others by the covidiots ...
[quote]What indication have we been given that Michigan belongs on this list?[/quote]they are always somewhat competitive and they just won a natty :dunno:...