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re: Currently in Poland

Posted by I20goon on 5/31/24 at 10:53 pm
[quote]Specify your argument.[/quote]ceiling fans...

re: Currently in Poland

Posted by I20goon on 5/31/24 at 9:28 pm
Cherry on Top: Tell them there's been multiple ebola outbreaks but they've hid them by claiming the quarantines were illegal aliens....
Oh... yay. More like... yay? , , | , ,...
[quote]They’re just going to call him a convict all through the debates and all through the summer. I think that’s all that they wanted. Will it work? Dunno. Anxious to see the next polls and how this changed it. I don’t think it helped him in the rust belt though.[/quote]don't count on it. Ask you...
Not surprised. Spirit's motto should be "the only airline for adrenaline junkies"...
I really don't give a frick what incestuous Mr. Demented Poopy Pants says. All I know is he declared war on us in the Red Speech and the protections we have from such have been shredded....

re: Son of Soros on Trump

Posted by I20goon on 5/31/24 at 3:57 pm
I want to execute that guy with a PTO fence post driver. [img]https://i.postimg.cc/yNZWkX7k/Capture.jpg[/img] (face shield required... SAFETY FIRST!) ETA: [quote]Son of Soros[/quote]sounds like a FX channel show...
[quote]Will this verdict convince independent voters to vote for Trump?[/quote]LOL, noooooo. It may increase voters poll-wise in some demographics such as 18 - 30 males or 18-30 black males. But, to your point: A) they will not be voters, they won't turn out. B) those aren't the independent...
If they don't send a RRT from Capitol Police when he ignores them then frick them. ETA: WITH deadly force authorization...

re: We are a country of laws and order

Posted by I20goon on 5/31/24 at 2:58 pm
[quote]We are [i]no longer[/i] a country of laws and order[/quote]FIFY [quote]Behind closed doors the Rino Pussies are celebrating with the Dems[/quote]of this I have no doubt. I also have no doubt that some reached out and offered to help provide cover if needed....
[quote] Congress isn't a business. Biggest difference.[/quote]correct, in a business you use your own money and foot the bill. Gov't uses other peoples money to do the same thing... does not make it better at all. Makes it more nefarious. In fact, there's an oath in there somewhere that th...
[quote]That sucks. I’m taking my girls for a galavanting day to Memphis. I’m going to buy the hell out of a bunch of models and [b]try that burger joint on Beale St. [/b]someone was telling me about on here the other day.[/quote]If, by chance, you change your mind on that try Gus's Fried Chicken (ab...
I read that is Build-a-bear, or that's how it sounded in my head. Either deserves a MOAB....
[quote] Dont be fooled. Vote him out[/quote]correct. He's using confirmation bias to let people think it is because of the Trump verdict and is a form of protest and a principled action. It is not... it is 100% self-serving and opportunistic....
[quote]Kash Patel and Mike Davis just said Merchan's daughter has a place in Florida. They said the Florida AG should be on this immediately as well in GA.[/quote]k. all for this. Just go back later and burn her shite down is all I ask. Can't we just get that little thing?...
Yep, frick them too. I just want them sidelined and selling corndogs at the fair, not destroyed like the Marxists....
[quote]Byron Bojangles III[/quote]lol, and just to think I had posters yesterday telling me I needed to cope because I wasn't going to get the guilty verdict (when I questioned a NBC reporter of all things - Trump supporters harping at me for attacking NBC... go figure). I hate when people a soon...
[quote]I'm very curious to see the week ending total.[/quote]does not matter now- voting is moot. blood, not ink....
[quote]It looks like we’re headed towards Gestapo either way[/quote]yep. And here's my take on it: If everything is going to go to shite, wouldn't your rather be the a-hole rather than the toilet bowl? If we're going to go this route, I want to be in charge. Not the guy who will put me in th...
[quote]Is it safe to assume that Trump assumed Attorney/Client privilege would protect him here?[/quote]privilege was breeched by crime-fraud exception in April 2018 when Cohen's office was searched by FBI under warrant from Rosenstein (yes, the Russia hoax guy). The crime: paying Stormy Daniels...