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re: Surrounded by Incompetent people

Posted by mahdragonz on 5/30/24 at 5:05 pm
I just heard he had two attorneys that had never tried a criminal trial before. I'm trying not to troll but why would anyone use a novice, Trump or not? ...
Nobody wants a man in heels. Sorry Ron. ...
He looked bad and old. He's spent his whole life avoiding trials. He knows it's over. ...
He paid a hooker, tried to cover it up, and it could have changed the election. It violated a law and he was guilty. Now he's a felon. ...

re: Still voting Trump.

Posted by mahdragonz on 5/30/24 at 4:15 pm
He'll drop out within the fortnight. ...

re: Trump just won the election

Posted by mahdragonz on 5/30/24 at 4:14 pm
A lot of donors won't back a criminal. This is the end of the road for Trump. It's not the court trial, it's that he didn't have the juice to thwart it. ...

re: We backing Nikki or Ron now?

Posted by mahdragonz on 5/30/24 at 4:11 pm
That's why they all bent the knee. ...
He paid a hooker, tried to cover it up, and it could have changed how people voted. That makes a crime. Probably a lot of people with a working brain cell, so in America, maybe 10 percent. ...
[quote] In conclusion, hysteria can be cured with a good dose of D[/quote] That wife is likely getting a lot of D in all those hotel rooms she's burning money on. I mean, yeah, let's hope it's at least a suite where she sticks her kid in another room that she's spirited away from their fathe...

re: Roanoke VA for retirement?

Posted by mahdragonz on 5/20/24 at 7:14 pm
You would have a better quality of life in Denver. No comparison. How much are you saving when you're retired? ...
Transgenderism is like women who get breast implants. They aren't happy with the body they were born with. Maybe it's mental illness, but it doesn't impact my life so I let people live like they want. ...
[quote]ended calling the police bc shite needed to deescalate - they came, they asked questions and arrested her- i clearly didn’t want that bc she wasn’t attacking me per say, she wasn’t in her right mind - they says, we listened to you and we listened to her and decided she needed to removed from ...
Your wife has left you and you are in denial. Block the money and get a lawyer. What else do you want to hear? ...
If you are in a neighborhood that's rents houses, you aren't in an upper middle class neighborhood. It's working class. Sorry to break it to you. ...
[quote]Tell your son to STOP BREAKING THE LAW, a-hole![/quote] His son is a dindu nuffin. He's a good boy. ...
There's always posts about the problems with the youth of today but there's also a lot of people who ask for advice or outright intervene with their over 18 year old children. Doing things like calling lawyers for them, some people have parents who call college professors, or work interventions....
Go through this message board and see how many times people say the kids of America are soft. Ask yourself if you want to raise a soft man. Your son got himself into trouble, he can get himself out of it. Tell him there's a website called google and he can figure out his next steps. L...
[quote] It's not denying treatment, only coverage. A patient always has the option to receive and pay for treatment that insurance doesnt cover.[/quote] Do hospitals give the exact price for treatment? Have you ever tried to get an absolute price on something at a medical facility. ...

re: I have a poor person question

Posted by mahdragonz on 5/2/24 at 7:03 am
Just wanted to add that if you are worried about whether the help thinks you are tacky or not screams you are poor. ...

re: I have a poor person question

Posted by mahdragonz on 5/1/24 at 7:53 pm
I've seen more wealthy people ask and middle class people not then complain after seeing the bill. ...