Favorite team:Clemson 
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Registered on:1/18/2013
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"I respect the opinion of those who feel different, and I hope you respect mine." Apparently they do not....

re: gif of GOATs

Posted by DanW1 on 1/11/24 at 8:00 pm

re: NFL Various Games - Week 15

Posted by DanW1 on 12/17/23 at 9:44 pm
Didn't look good......
[img]https://images.barewalls.com/comp/canvas-print/bwc90064447/attention-a-hole-in-parking-forbidden-sign-for-incorrect-parking-bad-parking-blocking-cars-yellow-triangle-road-sign.jpg width=400[/img]...
As a truck driver I will be honest... I hate driving around other truckers. Cause they're unpredictable. I know 99.9% of the 4 wheelers are retarded and will not pay attention to anything. They're easy to anticipate. That car in front of me driving exactly 65 mph approaching the bridge? Ye...

re: Breaking: Jimmy Carter in Hospice care

Posted by DanW1 on 2/19/23 at 11:13 am
"Mr. Carter, how do you feel about the direction of The United States of America and the state of our country under our current administration?" [img]https://www.cnet.com/a/img/resize/b57514b89e1a5d8592cec9c2dab0db0804399381/hub/2023/02/18/ebeec4c7-ec08-4d54-b1e2-e65b64911716/gettyimages-571160...
I never met him but my grandfather was there. Passed away in the 80s, non hodgkin's lymphoma. My aunt and uncle were there too, they had a miscarriage with their first pregnancy and their son had cancer....
[quote]How so? It's somebody ELSE'S decision to make about themselves. & using terms like "it" & [b]"mentally ill"[/b] says a lot.[/quote] [link=(https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/mental-health-types-illness)]WebMD: Types of Mental Illness[/link] [quote]Psychotic disorders: Psychotic d...
[quote]The owner will have to justify himself by saying he thought he needed to preemptively attack because he was somehow threatened. The video doesn’t appear to show a threat, implied or otherwise, just an attempt to steal.[/quote] I'd say jumping the counter while wearing a mask is a fairly un...
I like how [link=(https://twitter.com/TribunaLibreES/status/1544037518634524672?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1544037518634524672%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.foxnews.com%2Fus%2Fhighland-park-shooting-suspect-description-released-july-4-parade-attack-ki...
[img]https://i.gifer.com/SSrw.gif width=400[/img]...

re: I hit an owl tonight

Posted by DanW1 on 12/11/21 at 8:52 pm
[quote]I guess it is going to be okay and was just stunned. I was going to be incredibly upset if it was dead because it was beautiful. I hit an owl tonight.[/quote] I hit an owl in September, it was also huge. How thick the legs were surprised me the most. [img]https://i.imgur.com/W...
[quote]Should basically be the same rules as a fair catch. Once it is initiated in any way, the player is restricted from advancing the ball. Otherwise it is stupid to have the rule for punts and kickoffs but not in this situation. Typical shortsighted rule changes, but that’s the norm in spor...
[quote]I don't think that defense is going to work here because I highly doubt the law provides for the use of "warning shots".[/quote] I'd imagine the warning shot will be a big part of this. Using a firearm is supposed to be a last resort to end a threat. I've always understood self-defense ...
[quote][b]“So that an expired license plate or fuzzy dice in the mirror isn’t a death sentence that it can be in some cases,” said Councilmember Curtis Jones Jr.[/b][/quote] [quote]Shortly after the bombing, while driving on Interstate 35 in Noble County, near Perry, Oklahoma, McVeigh was stopped...
[quote]That sentence was only about John but John wants to be called a they.[/quote] They has been commonly used as a singular pronoun for ~700 years.. But in that example [i]they[/i] would be wrong. Context is given that it's a he. [quote]"I went to the speech pathologist today."[/quote] ...
[quote]Yet Vandy avoids testing bc their entire team is Vaccinated...[/quote] It'd be great if they found out the NC State players got it from Vandy players....
That's what i would've thought.. Thats how it was in the Oregon-KState 1 pt safety play. [link=(https://youtu.be/jp4TeP4rw0s)]1 Point Safety[/link]...

re: Let’s take a look at some masks

Posted by DanW1 on 7/21/20 at 6:40 pm
[quote]The mask isn't for your protection it is to restrict your spit/phlegm from contacting others (protection of others). The mask isn't a 100% blocker but it lessens the amount and distance. All the Far Eastern countries that have had some success in containing and maintaining a lower infection r...
One of the replies brings up a good point I'm curious about. Could you drive through a crowd with a Tesla or similar car? Or do the safety features take over and keep you from running someone over? ...