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Registered on:1/11/2013
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[quote]....because IT'S TRUE. That UNC team was unbelievably talented.[/quote] Weak wrists baw...
[quote]They will be the first team to ever come back from an 0-3 deficit[/quote] Nice call ...
[quote]BamaAtl[/quote] Judging by your post history, you don’t pay taxes....
[quote]They will be the first team to ever come back from an 0-3 deficit…..you can see it coming. So there it is….bookmark this [/quote] Will you ban yourself if they don’t?...
[quote]Why do you care? Are you not a grown man occupied with your own life’s concerns[/quote] It’s a message board a$$hat. Pipe down ...

re: Buckle Up MAGA!

Posted by dsides on 5/29/24 at 1:07 pm
[quote]but pretty major cultural issues the left has poured energy into just aren't resounding with the public right now.[/quote] Because of inflation. People are feeling economic pain. Nothing else matters at the end of the day. ...
[quote]Uhhhh, Scottie, should had kept your mouth shut in the police car.[/quote] Nothing in that incriminating other than another cop acting like a DB...
[quote]Your concern is that it would only be a year or two? This country was founded on not having a King - for some reason MAGA cultists have forgotten that[/quote] If this is all you’ve got to run with you have issues. Imagine thinking reasonable people with common sense will buy into this na...
[quote] I guess MAGA has discovered the fountain of youth and will never die. Jesus these people saying he will never leave seemed to think that MAGA is immortal. Do these people realize trump is 78 yrs old? I love Trump. But lord I know he will die soon statically speaking. These...
[quote]And the Tour still doesn’t care to change and support its players. It’s the reason why half the top 20 is on another tour right now. The PGA Commish is an enormous, arrogant, flippant, POS that only cares about himself and not about the physical or mental well being of the players..[/quote] ...
[quote]I’d love a link to this[/quote] Why not just believe it? You apparently were ok with believing your Karen friend. Did you ask her for a link?...
[quote]Natural selection at work. God and the universe are giving not-so-subtle clues that we smart people know to not live in goddam Oklahoma.[/quote] I’d take my chances with a tornado in OK over a carjacking in NOLA...
[quote]Gateway Pundit--- Checks out Comrade[/quote] nice self own tard...
[quote]u idiot populists[/quote] There you go again. It’s real simple try to follow along. I’ll dumb it down for you. At some point what’s best for the majority is not being represented by the tools in DC. Now I know your aren’t an elite, you are probably a snotty nosed college student post...
[quote]That's what I thought. You might want to avoid sticking your nose into someone else's conversation and talking big if you're just going to run and hide like that when someone calls you out on it. You look like a little bitch doing that.[/quote] I’m your huckleberry. You are saying the m...
[quote]Be careful now. The internet doesn't forget.[/quote] It will remember your pedestrian opinions. What a parrot tool bag you are. “Populist”, “construct.” Derp...
[quote]One of us doesn't. It's not me, though. I'm laughing at every one of you, btw[/quote] Populist equals what the majority wants that the controlling elites don’t like. I’d say you are an elite but from your posts it’s clear you are just a useful idiot. Good job comrade ...
[quote]construct[/quote] There’s another one. God you suck. All of the bs buzzwords. Dork...