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re: Another ID request thread

Posted by NOLAGT on 5/28/24 at 10:58 pm
I’m going with 3 toed box turtles. Pets are safe but them kang snakes in trouble. ...

re: Official AR-15 thread

Posted by NOLAGT on 5/26/24 at 3:10 pm
[quote]got 3 5.56 and 2 9mm planned[/quote] Idk if you have seen this site for AR 9mm but a lot of good info imo. [link=(https://blowback9.wordpress.com/)]LINK[/link]...

Never forget

Posted by NOLAGT on 5/24/24 at 12:25 pm
Saltwater and 2fiddys don’t mix :lol: [img]https://i.imgur.com/GIRjydy.jpeg[/img]...

re: Official AR-15 thread

Posted by NOLAGT on 5/24/24 at 12:20 pm
[quote]Or I could get at PSA Upper for half the price.[/quote] Do that. Then remove the flip up sights and put them in a drawer. Then look in the drawer a week later and it will turn into a new upper. Then buy another lower. And now you got 3. Wash rinse repeat. ...

re: Official AR-15 thread

Posted by NOLAGT on 5/21/24 at 3:40 pm
[quote]Ok. So Iooked into changing out the....[/quote] finchmeister08 be like [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor.com%2Fimages%2F3ff944bff81bd60ba08c478c8bb7ac69%2Ftenor.gif%3Fitemid%3D11685812&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=7da8a57b46fff38be6975341f98aefc73d66b537d6...
[quote]Why would one do this[/quote] [quote]I would also be able to keep the bones for stock making and fat for tallow[/quote] 100% this. OP tell them you want all the fat/trimmings and see if they will cut the big bones in half so you can roast and get the marrow out. Not sure what all bones ...
[quote]why more people don’t buy a side-by-side[/quote] Smaller footprint, lighter, quiet, smaller turning radius. Just depends on the use case, they all have their place. ...
[quote]well you say that, but a ton of these lithium battery companies are just garage operations that buy a container of Chinese lithium batteries that dont have the requirements of the power draw of a gof cart. And they dont last. The ones that do are even more expensive.[/quote] Yep but there ...
[quote]Don’t buy from Ascension Golf Carts. Shitty service. We spent $20,000 on ours and it’s not worth it. Service after the sale is nonexistent. They got my money and that’s all they care about.[/quote] That’s why I bought mine stock off a baw on the OB and did the work myself. Learned how and ...
[quote]More and more folks in grand isle are switching to gas carts, the sand will eat that battery life up quick.[/quote] Yea I would never attempt GI beach with a led acid cart. A buddy made the led acid to gas switch. I’m pretty confident in my lithium setup taking it on, i just have to go t...
Its not overly hard to fix them up yourself if the bones and wires are good and if you are a little handy and have some tools. If you are on facebook look for a group called golf carts modified, wealth of info. Depending on your area you can probably find someone in that group with a shop that can...
IMO stick with the big 3 club car, ezego, yamaha. There are a lot of new china brands that look good and have cool features but if the company goes away so does all your parts and warranty. The big 3 have been around for ever. 3k if you want one to rebuild one how you want it, 5-10k for one alrea...
[quote]IIRC he was a Class III manufacturer.[/quote] Sulzer Firearms right...hadn't thought of that name in a hot min....

re: Diving deeper on Standard Lithium?

Posted by NOLAGT on 5/8/24 at 10:27 am
I averaged down from 8.25 to 3.30 last week so im glad to see this pop :lol:...

re: Snake ID Requested

Posted by NOLAGT on 5/7/24 at 1:55 pm
[quote]Which parks might those be?[/quote] [quote]3 hour drive paid off.[/quote] Boom that worked out well for ya :lol:...

re: Official AR-15 thread

Posted by NOLAGT on 5/3/24 at 3:34 pm
[quote]Hit your forward assist and see if it will go fully back into battery.[/quote] Thats what I was going to say as well after the first shot hit the FA and fire. I haven't fooled with a LAW folder but maybe thats doing something fricky. Or she maybe too tight and just needs to be played with...

re: Official AR-15 thread

Posted by NOLAGT on 5/3/24 at 2:14 pm
[quote]PSA might've went a bit overboard,[/quote] Probably maxing out CYA :lol:...

re: Official AR-15 thread

Posted by NOLAGT on 5/3/24 at 2:07 pm
[quote]I called 3 gun stores in CT,[/quote] There ya go :cheers:...