Favorite team:US Marine Corps 
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Registered on:12/8/2012
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re: MSB Sports Card and Memorabilia Thread

Posted by Drank on 5/31/24 at 8:25 pm
[quote]Does anyone know why Jayden Daniels has not autographed hardly anything compared to Joe Burrow?[/quote] Burrow has been on the scene for over half a decade or more now. Also Panini paid him well to sign with them. Daniels, to be honest, came on the scene for the first time ever, outside o...
edit: nvm something similar happened yesterday after I landed. Wasn’t this though ...

re: How will you celebrate pride month?

Posted by Drank on 5/31/24 at 9:36 am
[quote]It reminds me of MLK parades that feature twerking. Twerking? You think MLK, Jr. was about twerking? [/quote] I mean.. yea, probably. Dude loved some strange and cheated on his wife early and often....
[quote]The Challenger astronauts did survive..... ....until the crew cabin hit the water.[/quote] This is correct. All bodies were found as in tact as they could be (considering impact and time under water) still in the crew cabin and were photographed as evidence. ...
Snit is such a joke bu. “I mean.. it was good.. it’s what he is .. you know.. I mean. Yea. Different kinda swing but just gotta hope the offense gets going at some point. You don’t know why things happen in this league. It’s hard to get things going.” Clears throat “I want them to do something reall...
[quote]Back of the baseball card... only a matter of time before we turn it around[/quote] LOL settle down Chris Dimino....
[quote]And there’s 2 runs and another loss[/quote] As predictable as stink on shite these days. 2 runs is pretty much all it takes. This team is dead in the water....

re: Pee Wee Herman's house is for sale

Posted by Drank on 5/29/24 at 9:47 pm
No Chairry no care. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c0/72/65/c07265ff09ad4086e4287765632372ef.jpg[/img]...
[quote]be one of these teams who is desperate to win a title now[/quote] Literally EVERY team wants to win a title now. There is no ‘long game’ in baseball anymore. Hence teams like the doyerz and mets and phils have spent a collective few BILLION dollars to win. Long game doesn’t work anymore. T...
“Let’s pause here for a word from… from zaxby’s.. I guess.” :lol: frick we fell fast...
[quote]Can't wait to hear AA explain why they let Fried walk[/quote] “Well look, at the end of the day we think big picture and what would work best moving forward. My family loves it here. I love it here. My kids always ask me why we let Freeman… Swanson… Rosario…Smith… Fried…Go. They are mad at...
Bummer and Minter lol Snit has no faith when we are behind. I don’t either. In him or any pitchers outside of Fried and Sale. This team fell hard and fast. Bummer…...
[quote]This is a trashcan of a baseball team [/quote] [img]https://i.ibb.co/ScrWV00/IMG-0880.jpg[/img]...
Bummer relieving Shinerböck. Snit has given up already. I expect nothing less....
[quote]There was a bottleneck area on one bend of the river called Skinny Dip Cliff and the race ended there for about 80% of the participants. [/quote] Still a bottle neck these days starting this past weekend. Those are the jumping rocks. Some things never change, only no skinny dipping.. which...
[quote]people doñ’t[/quote] FIFY...
Bottom 5 team in baseball. We miss the wild card if we don’t bring in a season saver or 2...
Same as it did with Acuña. Absolute garbage this season....

re: Ronald Acuna confirmed ACL tear

Posted by Drank on 5/27/24 at 8:28 am