Favorite team:LSU 
Biography:Born on the bayou, baw
Number of Posts:35490
Registered on:11/27/2012
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[quote]beating themselves again clearly[/quote] To be fair, Condon did throw one to Narnia...

re: Wofford 3 @ LSU 4 Final

Posted by Thib-a-doe Tiger on 5/31/24 at 12:26 pm
holy shite that was horrific...

re: Wofford 3 @ LSU 4 Final

Posted by Thib-a-doe Tiger on 5/31/24 at 12:25 pm
moar pics of her, thanks...

re: Wofford 3 @ LSU 4 Final

Posted by Thib-a-doe Tiger on 5/31/24 at 12:23 pm
[quote]the SS is sitting on the 2B side of the bag, why are we refusing to bunt and force the 3B to make a play? [/quote] LSU hasn't been a good bunting team in ages...
[quote]ke others have said Jesse Jackson was also prosecuted but we just ignore the facts we want[/quote] You mean for using campaign funds to buy a Michael Jackson fedora? Totally equal to paying a skank out of you own pocket indirectlly for a legal act...
[quote]are you in all honesty comparing the goddamn holocaust to being vaxed? like when has the left tried to put "pure bloods" in camps? you are making a complete mockery of one of the worst mass genocides in history and not even making a good point or argument in the process. like others have s...
[quote]no other president has had full immunity they just haven't broken the law as blatantly as Trump did to be prosecuted.[/quote] Was it that blatant that they had to try to find a case for 9 years before they finally did? What about the Big Guy?...
[quote]weird how Trump tried to discredit the constitution to overturn the election like a dictator. weird how he thinks a president should have full immunity. it's almost like the monarchy. trump is a dipshit and you stupid frickers want him back in power for him to become a dictator and ru...
[quote]n other words, “Lie to me, Daddy. Hide your sins and treat me like a rube. Even if there’s a law that says you can’t, do it anyway. The alternative is worse.”[/quote] Kinda like "hey FB, Twitter, etc, take down the story about my sons laptop or we'll prosecute you" No?...
[quote]Jfc hahahhaha[/quote] Does it bother you more than Trump paid a sex worker to keep quiet, or that the President showers with underage family members with a hardon? Believe all women, amirite?...
I'm going to go out on a limb and assume none of the names posted post here under the handle SFP...
[quote]Congress and state legislatures create new criminals every single day[/quote] You mean they become criminal when they get elected? Valid...
[quote] Do you think it's possible that his prosecution was politically motivated and that he's guilty all the same[/quote] Do you think if anyone, literally anyone, in this country had every detail of their entire lives dissected for nearly a decade, that anyone couldn't be found guilty of ...
[quote]Do you known anyone who does these things 1100 times a year[/quote] Do you know what average and median are?...
[quote]Wait, do you actually believe this bullshite??? [/quote] Do you know how many asinine laws there are on the books? How many people cheat on their taxes? Wreckless driving resulting in injury? ...
[quote]Another disillusioned Biden voter! So you're better off now than you were while Trump was president? If you wanna be honest, which you Demwits are not at all, you would say definitely not![/quote] He is. He is poorer, and the economy sucks and everything sucks, but purple hairs are all...
[quote]Is this where we’re at now? We agree that he committed a misdemeanor when he intentionally falsified business records to quietly pay off a porn star, but we hope there’s a loophole to help him escape more serious charges?[/quote] The average person commits 3 felonies per day. Do you thin...