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Airports, railroad tracks and landfills.should be taken into consideration when looking for a place to call home. ...
Can't be true. Houston is in Texas and Texas does everything better. ...
[quote]Fighting was a common occurence.[/quote] Just like at Liberty Lagoon!...
What time did they start fightin and shootin...
[quote]The event started at 7:30 p.m. and was supposed to last three hours, but was cut short when fights broke out around 8:45[/quote] Couldn't even cover the over. Sad. ...
[quote]America voted for “hope and change” twice and BR has voted in their leadership several times. [/quote] It's more lack of parenting than government. This state wants government to do everything. We need to keep these animals in jail, for sure. But somehow there has to be compassion, pa...
As someone said earlier (and we should all heed this advice) worry about yourself. ...
Every day is awesome if you make it so. Since my divorce, i cant imagine life being better. But it takes work...
Like the rest of society, people have become jaded and angry, making everything about race or political party. ...
[quote]You don't think it's problematic that a white person is more marketable than a black person?[/quote] Michael Jordan Shaquille Mahomes Barkley They are likeable. Or at least not off-putting. That's the key. ...
[quote]I prefer my accountants to be employed[/quote] Why? He's a numbers guy, not a writer...
Not knowing who the "Champ" is and pay-per-view have ruined the popularity of boxing. It used to be you could see up-and-comers on Tuesday nights and even a championship fight on Saturdays. ...
And people wonder why there is a racial divide in this country. ...
Kinda makes you wonder who the real dumb arse is. I suggest OP. ...
[quote]Louisianians believe they're owed something by someone, anyone, everyone. From all levels of Government to businesses and especially corporations.[/quote] Well said. Sums up many of the TD threads. ...
It's not cold. If people did biatch so much, took some pride in their state and didn't expect the government to do everything, it would be better. ...
The problem is there are kids parenting kids, junkies parenting kids, criminals raising kids. A dose of goodness, morality may kick these savages onto a path of civility or maybe even kindness. Have you not seen how angry people are these days? ...
Welcome to the 1980s government controlled BS. ...

re: Mother In Law on Mother's Day

Posted by thegambler on 5/12/24 at 3:49 pm
Even if you don't like someone, it never hurts to be nice. Especially if being nice is meaningful to someone you carr about. Too many assholes are selfish and only care about themselves and won't go to their in-laws twice in a month for someone they supposedly love. ...