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[quote]Weaponization of the [b]Federal[/b] Government [/quote] [quote] [b]Manhattan District[/b] Attorney[/quote] ...
[quote]Of course not, and I'm glad that the January 6th insurrectionists are facing consequences for their actions.[/quote] [quote]But of course the thousands that burned and looted cities during the Fentanyl Floyd riots were innocent and you support them.[/quote] You know, I like to think tha...
[quote]You're twisting yourself into a lot of knots to defend a clearly biased judge.[/quote] No, he is actually providing a pretty straight forward, understandable explanation of the technicalities of the case. Which is simply helpful and shouldn’t be viewed as contentious. The truly inflamm...

re: Trump is now the American Everyman.

Posted by lsusa on 5/31/24 at 11:55 am
[quote]???? Did he not grow up poor in Scranton PA?[/quote] Biden has been on the dole for most of if not all of the last 50-plus years. Whatever memories he may have were of a time much different from contemporary America....
[quote]All should be thrown in jail for turning their back on Trump.[/quote] Right out of the playbook ...

re: Trump is now the American Everyman.

Posted by lsusa on 5/30/24 at 11:02 pm
[quote] cry more and wear that green with envy for the rich, broke dick![/quote] Seriously, the topic at hand in this thread is that “Trump is the Everyman” and can relate to the common man. There is no “envy” in me pointing out he grew up wealthy, simply making the valid point. You seem ...

re: Trump is now the American Everyman.

Posted by lsusa on 5/30/24 at 6:11 pm
[quote]Clinton got it for smoking weed and not getting caught.[/quote] Clinton got it because he was white trash from Hope, Arkansas. Ronald Reagan got it because before he went to Hollywood he came from regular people. Donald Trump was a rich spoiled brat who grew up in another world just li...

re: Trump is now the American Everyman.

Posted by lsusa on 5/30/24 at 6:07 pm
[quote]He always was. What do you mean “now”? He’s the most relatable president we’ve ever had. The guy gets hard-working blue collar people like no other.[/quote] The bastard hasn’t put in an honest days work in his life. He has zero clue how the average American lives. You can say that “y...
[quote]It will cause enough people to stay home in the swing states. It[/quote] Maybe, just maybe the Republican Party should divorce themselves from Donald Trump. Potato Joe Biden is such low hanging fruit for a “clean” Republican candidate to beat. Just like the Democrats hubris in pushing ...
[quote]No. I’m just ashamed of many of my fellow Americans who think winning at all cost is worth destroying the country[/quote] Right, and that number includes all those who “knew better” but sat idly by while certain people claimed that George W Bush was a War Criminal or Barrack Obama wasn’t a...
[quote]My uneducated and simpleton remark was aimed at you.[/quote] I was trying to be kind and give you the benefit of the doubt. ...
[quote]So one poster’s post made you make the blanket statement about all of Trump’s supporters?[/quote] No, I basically criticized what the guy was saying and intimated that it would tend to make people believe that Trump supporters were racist. [quote]Uneducated, simpleton, useful idiot stil...
[quote]It comes from uneducated simpletons who see everything through the prism of political Party. Useful idiots. I thought we were supposed to be color blind.[/quote] Please go back and reread the post to which I was replying. [quote]Honest word about new encouraging poll numbers about b...
[quote]Retired U.S. Army Colonel Karl Nell says not only do[b] aliens [/b]exist, but they also interact with humans. Nell is the former director of the Pentagon's UAP task force.[/quote] The thread title as well as this quote are possibly misleading. At least in the quote I saw in the video, t...
[quote]Red Lobster has become a real life Simpsons episode,[b] where Homer is taken to court for bankrupting his local seafood buffet.[/b][/quote] Actually, Homer and attorney Lionel Hutz sued the proprietor for false advertising. “Do these sound like the actions of a man who had [i]all[/i] he...
[quote]Honest word about new encouraging poll numbers about black voters for Trump: don't get your hopes up. Once they're inside the booth with the curtain drawn, it will be difficult to deviate from 2 centuries of baked-in tribal custom and actually hit the "TRUMP" button. These origins date back t...
[quote]Judith Resnik[/quote] The video in the link is from 1987 of Professor Judith Resnik testifying during the hearings on Robert Bork. At least in this case, it’s pretty obvious that it’s two different people who share the same name. [link=(https://www.c-span.org/video/?10178-1/bork...
[quote] It’s really fascinating if you think about it. The self-anointed intelligentsia tell us ad nauseam what a fool [b]Trump is, and yet they can’t get him. He outplays them at every turn. [/b]There’s a lot of stupidity in that equation, but it’s obviously not Trump.[/quote] I wouldn’t sa...
Uh, something is “blatantly obvious” [quote]“we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”[/quote] [quote]Disputing President Donald Trump’s persistent, baseless claims, Attorney General William Barr declared Tuesday the U.S. Justice Departm...
[quote] If you’re upset about a family photo and retweet, idk how anyone can help you.[/quote] Well, seeing as we’re in a thread calling out two idiots (Omar and Bush) about their insincere pandering on Memorial Day, we should similarly call out another idiot supporting claims “his family gave u...