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Registered on:5/9/2012
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Continuing to tackle the important issues. Good work ...
Have to weigh all the pros and cons. For me, having the parents 1-2 hours away is the sweet spot....
If your lot is developed and graded so that all your runoff dumps around your neighbors house, it is 100% a selfish, dick move, even if it gets through permitting. ...

re: On believing something to be true

Posted by Hobie101 on 5/27/24 at 8:40 pm
It’s true that both those guys are dweebs...
Beach runs are the best bruh. Hop in the ocean after. Light lunch and nap after that. Dang life is good. ...

re: 2024 Spring Garden Thread

Posted by Hobie101 on 5/16/24 at 8:27 pm
With all the negativity and craziness out there, thank goodness for gardening. What a great way to escape. That is all. ...
Yes, But we were moving for my wife’s new job. ...
[quote]Money doesn’t bring out the worst in people, it reveals what they truly are.[/quote] Everyone has a price. Everyone's price is different. What would you do for money if your child was starving to death?...

re: Slot machines are sad to me...

Posted by Hobie101 on 5/6/24 at 12:10 pm
[quote]Yeah it ducks but thanks to video poker and gambling we have got all that cash for roads and schools.[/quote] Thank goodness that is the case and there is no one getting filthy rich from it...
[quote]Yea, life is pretty shitty these days[/quote] nah...
[quote]The thing I notice most: There aren't any homeless camps or piles of human crap all over the place.[/quote] Come on baw. Alabama has one of the highest poverty rates in country. Is it ok if it's not as visible? ...

re: Life is Fragile

Posted by Hobie101 on 4/29/24 at 8:19 pm
Keeping that in mind daily helps spend your time more wisely and treat others with kindness. Mindfulness techniques like meditation help to focus on the present and not worry about the future. ...

re: How sentimental are y’all?

Posted by Hobie101 on 4/28/24 at 10:38 pm
[quote]I believe that objects can hold memories. I mean, tell me if you open an old closet and find the video game system from your childhood, and blow the dust out the cartridge you aren't transported back to those halcyon days, if only for a moment.[/quote] Fair point. But you can’t hold on to ...
Bro Why do you care what other people do with their time? Life is too short. Go enjoy what you choose to do on Sunday to the fullest. ...

re: How sentimental are y’all?

Posted by Hobie101 on 4/28/24 at 10:24 pm
[quote]Stuff is just stuff. Memories are where its at.[/quote] This. Your loved ones stuff that you keep then becomes stuff your descendants have to route through when you die. ...
You are not right or wrong. People just going to keep on living their lives how they want to. ...
Seems like giving a president blanket immunity would be creating a new law, Which is not the job of the courts. ...
Are divorce rates up lately? Seems like everyone is doing it. Facebook is constantly showing us how much greener the grass is for everyone else. ...
Is the pope Catholic?...