Favorite team:Columbia 
Location:Wherever I lay my hat is my home
Biography:I Am Born
Interests:Southern Food and Fans
Occupation:Polyphasic Sleeper
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Registered on:4/10/2012
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The old TAMU WBB coach used to pass out free candy. JoPa's assistant was just a pedo creep....
[quote]Just curious[/quote] Pretty simple Dude was a Little Lord Fauntleroy that grew up wanting to be a mob Don. If daddy was smart he would have made him work his arse off and grow some balls like a real man....
[quote]What could Trump have done differently to not be a felon?[/quote] Learn the lessons from his daddy and his mentor Pay in cash Pay in a lump sum Pay a premium, don't be cheap on something like this...
[quote]community service[/quote] This would be sooooooo awesome. Be like Barry Seal getting soup kitchen work at the Salvation Army. Would be the first real work DJT has ever done in his life. ...
I used to get free candy from the old TAMU coach....
Joyland > Dreamland [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/69/54/d2/6954d2bcf787acc18ff45f75c5becaac.jpg[/img]...
[quote][quote] think it would need to be someone with lots of energy[/quote] [quote]hit the campaign trail hard since Trump will be dealing with the BS[/quote][/quote] [img]https://cdn.newsapi.com.au/image/v1/fd0164b87dc0e846c6a7927999c36a74?width=1024[/img] ...
Lexington and Louisville are actually higher than San Francisco in per capita numbers. Horses and lesbians go hand in hand....

re: The gift that keeps on giving

Posted by Cheese Grits on 5/31/24 at 4:10 pm
[quote]The gift that keeps on giving[/quote] The Clap?...

re: RE: Private message

Posted by Cheese Grits on 5/31/24 at 4:09 pm
[quote]stop doing exactly what the Randy alters are doing that won’t get warnings/post deleted.[/quote] [b]FIFY[/b]...
[quote]next to Ohio.[/quote] Separated by the Ohio Ocean, thank god. BuckNuts be cray cray...
[quote][Takes a second and third look at RFK…][/quote] At least a brain worm is something new! :cheers:...
Never heard of it? Where do they make it?...
[quote]I still fry chicken in a cast iron[/quote] A nobleman of pure heart for sure! You still use lard and not that crap they now call "Crisco"? :cheers:...
[quote]I bet she has webbed feet.[/quote] How did you notice? [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/90/e5/ee/90e5eebc0b51a499d2285b83d12a767c.jpg[/img]...
[quote][quote]imma in a great mood.[/quote] [quote]pour a bourbon[/quote][/quote] Legit, checks out! :cheers: What you drinking? (asking for a friend of a friend)...
[quote]The government gave Sammy Gravano, who killed 19 people (that he confessed to), only 5 years in prison because they wanted to convict John Gotti so badly.[/quote] I grew up with the group 2 generations before those cats. Drugs messed up the mob more that anything else. Old guys had rules, ...
Look, big difference in West Palm and say Jungle Road. One of the in laws is in West Palm, no big deal but sounds impressive to the non natives....
I am too poor to even afford a single alter. :sigh: How is OC today? When is it cardigan weather for him?...
I got bunions older than that thing....