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re: Not impressed by the tarheels

Posted by Choupique19 on 5/31/24 at 8:37 pm
LSU had like 7 hits today. The Tarheels looked more impressive than us....
What was his out pitch? He had a 83 mph fastball and a change up that he kept floating belt high....
[quote]They beat us in Omaha once. Guess that makes them a blue blood[/quote] Twice, but point still taken...
A righty throwing over the top with a 83 mph fastball. That's who they called out of the pen. Wow....
[quote]That was incredible lmao. Walked the dude and the next guy took it personally[/quote] That dude in the batters box was ready to hit. I was laughing at the .239 hitter looking so pumped up. I was wrong. He was ready. ...
[quote]Yeah…I’m struggling to understand this pitching management.[/quote] Are you guys under some delusion that Long Island Universtiy has a major league quality bulllpen?...
[quote]Wish we had a pbp for this unc game.[/quote] ball strike foul ball ball pop up 2B...
UNC started their usual Friday night guy and now having to go to one of their top bullpen arms in the 5th. LSU's bullpen is all available for tomorrow....
The umpire called DJ out when he had his back turned to the play. He didn’t even see it. ...
[quote]Did we lose today? So Jay made the right call.[/quote] I don’t think many people were questioning the move today. We weren’t playing a 4 seed in the Box. Jump pitched great, and we needed it. ...
LSU had saved their ace for game 2 eleven out of twelve times when hosting as a 1 seed and actually even did it once as a 2 seed on the West Coast before Jay arrived. We’ve never lost a game 1 when saving our ace. ...
[quote]Squeeze Play is so much more enjoyable to watch for the rest of the day now[/quote] It really is. I don’t know how much baseball I could have watched today if we lost that. ...

re: Wofford 3 @ LSU 4 Final

Posted by Choupique19 on 5/31/24 at 1:41 pm
I couldn’t even stay in the thread today because we were playing like such crap at the plate, and I didn’t have the heart to sit in here and gripe today. Unreal. Monster Milam :bow:...

re: Wofford 3 @ LSU 4 Final

Posted by Choupique19 on 5/31/24 at 11:26 am
[quote]Ruled a hit[/quote] Every single time an outfielder crashes into the wall and the ball falls it will be a hit. Not sure what y’all were expecting. ...
[quote]And we filled it about 40%.[/quote] Not sure if you realize this, but Chapel Hill is a long way away from Baton Rouge. ...

re: Woffford not starting their Ace?

Posted by Choupique19 on 5/31/24 at 10:36 am
[quote]As the great Skipper said. You win the first two no matter what.[/quote] He never said that. He said if you lose a game early, it makes no difference if it’s game 1 or game 2. You are still in the same spot with regards to how many games you have to win. ...
[quote]The people who want to know our travel roster more than the fans, the our combatants in the regional.[/quote] There is zero tactical advantage to opponents of knowing the 25th, 26th, and 27th players on the roster. Let me make it easier for our opponents: Tommy White made the travel ...

re: South Carolina game

Posted by Choupique19 on 5/30/24 at 7:04 pm
[quote]I hate 11 AM games.[/quote] I’ve got good news for you. It doesn’t start until 12:00 PM South Carolina time. ...
Gotta be honest, I'm really glad she hit a bird that was sitting on the green. What an awful break if you hit a bird at the apex of your shot and your ball landed 90 yards short of the hole. ...