Favorite team:LSU 
Biography:born and bred in the lake charles area
Interests:lsu football, fishing, my sons base ball...
Occupation:project manager for a large contractor
Number of Posts:9278
Registered on:8/31/2011
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re: Just checking up on you guys.

Posted by lake chuck fan on 5/31/24 at 4:29 pm
All good.... Watched LSU win their first Regional Tournament game, planted a couple mayhaw trees and picked some squash and zucchini outta the garden to cook. Thx for asking!??...
The trial was rigged just like the '20 presidential election. Hey Joe! Eat shite and like it!...
[quote]Anyone who has themselves convinced this all begins/ends with Trump…..are in for a rude awakening. (Radical Left fanatics will love it course ……but I’m talking normal people who will be in for the rude awakening.)[/quote] I just posted in another thread that very soon folks won't have t...
It's a line in the sand. All pretense has been abandoned. The grim reality of folks having to choose a side is fast approaching. Soon, people won't have the luxury of not paying attention....
[quote]quote: Never give up never surrender! You underestimate the resolve of these people. When you have no boundaries it could get really ugly. Are you ready to go to jail for voting for Trump? That may be what this comes too.[/quote] He'll yeah! Another LSU home run! I'm watching Tigers p...
See below video from the 70's stating unequivocally that we're heading to another ice age! Smh This climate change is bullshite. [link=(https://youtu.be/vUq0JnaIock?si=XO-wsOw9Qq4QgYLM)]LINK[/link]...
[quote]We know there was another crime related to these transactions because Michael Cohen pled guilty to it and served time for it[/quote] Cohen previously stated Trump had no knowledge of the above mentioned "crime". ...
[quote]Done. I want to offer a sincere apology for my TDS posts—I don’t know what got into me over the summer. Let’s win big in November[/quote] Wtf? Please elaborate. Not sure if serious. I feel a bit silly even asking.......
That old frick always looks like he smells shite! Oh wait...... Lol...
What "man" would ever say such a thing? Our culture and society are filled with limp wristed "males" that are a disgrace and lacked the proper male leadership growing up. It's sad so many allow themselves to be fooled by the progressive left. ...
People who find it a acceptable to live on top of each other in such a crowded and impersonal way of life are lacking something mentally, not saying they are less intelligent but certainly lacking in some way. Which answers your question. Only folks who lack critical thinking skills and the goo...
My yard My flag I'm not responsible for your feelings Grow up ...
Mexico had zero problem allowing the illegals to pour over our border, why shouldn't America send back the same way they came, back over the border into Mexico? Let Mexico and the cartels get a taste of it. Not our fricking problem....
I doubt anything happens. Most are expecting a guilty verdict. As we get closer to the election and Trump's leads increase, I expect the left will attempt to create turmoil. If Trump loses and there is the same frickery as last election..... That will be the time....
Tire markings on a picture painted on the road? It's reasonable to expect that any "mural" painted on a public roadway will receive tire markings. Progressives are the definition of lunacy....
[quote]There's 100% no way, even in this complete clown show of the justice system, that there's jail time. [/quote] I agree. I also believe there will be at least one juror not willing to go along with this sham. ...

re: Josh Hawley is a badass

Posted by lake chuck fan on 5/29/24 at 10:51 am
In a very round about manner, she said yes. Tiktok Engineers working IN China DO have access to American Tiktok user data. Hawley, Gaetz, Jordan, are excellent in these committee meetings....
[quote]I'm 12 minutes in and what's very interesting is the way Russia has been treated by the US Government from the early 90's through the early 2000's is comparable to how the American people have been treated by the US government the past 60 years.....basically lying to both Russia and the Ameri...

re: Cuba today

Posted by lake chuck fan on 5/28/24 at 3:55 pm
I dated a woman from Cuba a couple years ago. She worked here but had family still living in Cuba. She would tell me how tough it was. The stores would run out of soap, toothpaste, and other simple items we take for granted. During Covid, they were not allowed to travel between towns/villages. ...
Sachs speaking truth on Tucker. While some on this site can't watch more than 5 minutes of a discussion, this explains very well the Ukraine war and how America pushed Russia into the invasion, if you can sit still and receive the information. Sachs has decades of experience and observing which...