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re: Dealing with Teenage daughters

Posted by Scruffy on 5/29/24 at 4:13 pm
Like a swag bag at a wedding or something? :lol: Only time I’ve ever heard of it used beyond people saying things like “gotta get that swag”....

re: Dealing with Teenage daughters

Posted by Scruffy on 5/29/24 at 4:00 pm
[quote]yeah like swag - who gets it? The boys[/quote]I don’t even know what this is or what you are referencing. :lol: [quote]I don’t know any black or Latino women that treat their daughters like princesses - they mostly treat their sons like that[/quote]No wonder you have such a skewed view. ...

re: Dealing with Teenage daughters

Posted by Scruffy on 5/29/24 at 3:50 pm
[quote]really? Like what?[/quote]Well, for starters, the “treat the princess with kiddy gloves” and “suck it up young man” stances are rife, especially within minority communities (Latino and black). Hell, there are stereotypes around those viewpoints for a reason. And it is especially evide...

re: Dealing with Teenage daughters

Posted by Scruffy on 5/29/24 at 3:46 pm
[quote]for you and Scruffy - yes it is!![/quote]:lol: I work with children daily. The contrast between how girls and boys are treated is stark. ...

re: Dealing with Teenage daughters

Posted by Scruffy on 5/29/24 at 3:37 pm
[quote]this isn’t even true - do you work with kids at all? Most boys are catered to and get every single material thing that they want.[/quote]What? :lol:...
[quote]I also think the franchise got way too Jedi focused. They forgot that Han Solo was the coolest character in the OT and he just shot blasters and flew spaceships.[/quote]This is true. There were only 3 lightsaber fights in the whole original trilogy. 1. Kenobi vs Vader (IV) 2. Luke vs...
[quote]In fact we might get the story before he became insane[/quote]It doesn’t exist though, right? Why would you expect the hack writers in Hollywood to do him justice? Why do you need the backstory anyway?...
[quote]This has a modicum of white privilege to it, whether you like it or not.[/quote]This has a large dose of wealthy celebrity privilege to it. Race has zero to do with this. Tiger Woods, Lebron, Curry, etc., would all receive the same privilege. ...
[quote]You think they’ll do paid DLC scrufffy? It helps add value for Sony when they go to pc with a 60$ price tags for a 12 month old game minimum? My idea would be a 5-8 hour experience set on the colony so we can learn all about that, perhaps a new character or use eve prior to the drop at the op...
[quote]Also anyone else tried doing a hard mode run but not in NG+? It’s an INSANE difficulty spike. Took me almost 2 hours to beat abaddon.[/quote]:lol: Nope. I can only imagine what some of the later bosses are like if Abaddon is that tough. ...
[quote]Assuming you maxed lilys meter and got the secret planet yeah?[/quote]Yea. Decide to take ______’s hand. I really hope they go ahead with a sequel and we get to fight mother sphere. ...
I finally took her out. Had to retool some gear pieces. I was set up for mobs rather than bosses. It ultimately just came down to requiring more beta attacks that would knock her down. [quote]Last tip idk how far into the fight youve made it but when she enters phase 3 she will immediately ...
Holy frick. Raven is fricking hard. Her parry timing is tricky because of pauses before striking and she will go from blockable attack to unblockable attack seamlessly. Just died due to 4 unblockable attacks chained together. :lol:...
[quote]I did collect all 49 cans and was sad that I’m still unable to equip the new gear yet…probably my biggest complaint of the game haha.[/quote]:lol: I actually like the white kunoichi outfit more than that one. The wife likes the sailor’s dream and made me give the character blonde hair (...
[quote]Good grief, some haters are part of the damn problem. Back then we ignored these creeps.[/quote]Right, but back then, you didn’t have an entire political party supporting the castration of children. ...
[quote]white people, and upper class people, do not use wash cloths in the shower[/quote]Scruffy uses a loofa and a wash cloth. Wash cloth is for the face. Bunch of dirty peasants. ...
[quote]A family was kicked off a flight for orchestrating an announcement over one member's peanut allergy, according to multiple reports.[/quote]The world does not revolve around them. [quote]The airline also told the Mail that Palmer's husband, Nick Sollom, was "aggressive" to the crew and "trie...

re: Dealing with Teenage daughters

Posted by Scruffy on 5/28/24 at 8:20 pm
Scruffy’s 7 mo daughter loves him and will never not love him. ...

re: Aliexpress Perv Test (Maybe NSFW?)

Posted by Scruffy on 5/28/24 at 4:08 pm
[quote]you cheated[/quote]Or Jimbo has been trying to tighten the jowls....
Yea, had a feeling there were going to be tough fights especially after the fight with the crow naytiba. I’ve enjoyed the game and will jump into an NG+ after. Need to platinum the game. ...