Favorite team:Montana
Location:Mexican Home
Biography:I'm not dead yet.
Interests:Confusing cats.
Occupation:Part time Expert
Number of Posts:12419
Registered on:7/17/2005
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote]The Ukrainian party was actually the heavyweight in their system.[/quote] Which explains how Stalin was able to starve millions of Ukrainians who were in the groups most likely to oppose USSR control and favor Ukraine independence. And how Stalin was able to replace every communist offici...
[quote]I hear his march on Paris is imminent.[/quote] Nobody thinks that you stupid frick. The Baltics are a different story....
[quote]Their inability to somehow bring Donald Trump into it?[/quote] I avoid being around anybody who can't go two minutes without bringing Trump into any conversation. That's about half the people I know, most are MAGA. Life is too short....
[quote]Putin's Russia is a Capitalist Totalitarian wanna-be Empire.[/quote] It's a crime family empire. Capitalism has little to do with it. Unfortunately we are trending that way but still have a long ways to go....
[quote]You're saying there is very little difference between the USSR and Ukraine?[/quote] In the way they govern and behave now with Putin? Absolutely yes. The USSR was a Russian dominated alliance based in Moscow. Yeah, I know all the "but Stalin was Georgian" horseshite. Putin is doing his ...
[quote]Russia? or the USSR?[/quote] Let's be honest. There is very little difference. Just call it Moscow where the head of the snake lives. What the whole Ukraine debacle is about is 1991 when Ukraine voted to leave the USSR. Everywhere in Ukraine voted for this. Even the Crimea (including ...

re: Pictures from days gone by....

Posted by Tigris on 6/11/24 at 10:39 am
[quote]Juliane Koepcke was 17 years old when her plane flying from Lima, Peru[/quote] This rang a bell because I remember seeing a Koepcke's Screech Owl in Peru and thinking it was an odd name. The owl was nambed for Juliane's mother; her parents were doing research at a wildlife station in the ...

re: "I bought a few cows for a write off"

Posted by Tigris on 6/10/24 at 5:22 pm
[quote]I know a family in Texas that started a “honey business” with bees to get the property tax reduced on the few acres they live on.[/quote] I planted a bunch of blueberry bushes, the tax savings to be classified as agricultural is pretty solid. In theory I'm supposed to sell them but it's n...

re: First Album you ever bought

Posted by Tigris on 6/9/24 at 4:03 pm
[img]https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/sqIAAOSwJ5xh4HAb/s-l1600.webp[/img] I was eleven. My brothers were younger. We wore it out. My poor parents....
[quote]fireflies ... typically begin their mating season in late May and [b]end in early June[/b], with peak activity usually occurring in [b]mid-June[/b].[/quote] OK, I'm confused. Or more likely the writer was....
[quote]Whilst[/quote] It's been a while....

re: Golfito Costa Rica

Posted by Tigris on 6/9/24 at 12:02 pm
I've never taken a bus in CR, but have driven a lot. If you are going to the Osa Peninsula there are flights to Puerto Jimenez which I have done. I'd much rather do that than take a bus. Puerto Jimenez is across the bay from Golfito and a little smaller city. Small plane and the airport is smal...
[quote]B*itches[/quote] Look closer....
[quote]$154,000,000 million dollar loss[/quote] $154 trillion seems high....

re: Global warming - Physics approach

Posted by Tigris on 6/7/24 at 7:15 pm
[quote]You can't just look at a single variable in a single area and derive a conclusion about the entire system.[/quote] Sure, but you're taking the side of the people telling us to just look at the CO2. And trust the science; because it's too complicated for peons to understand. No thanks. I...
Good pick, but the one that sticks with me from that movie is Sound of Silence as it closes. Go to about 4:00. Great stuff. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahFARm2j38c[/embed]...
[quote]Or private Russian citizens?[/quote] Money overseas in the "private" sector will be from the Oligarchs. Russia has never been much on "private citizens". Certainly way less than the US, though we are trending that way....
1) Poop just inside your side of the fence. 2) Complain to the Karens at the HOA. 3) Complain on the OTL. 4) Talk to your neighbor....

re: Global warming - Physics approach

Posted by Tigris on 6/7/24 at 3:50 pm
Yep, most of our fossil fuels were layed down around 360 million years ago, when CO2 in the atmosphere was 4,000 PPM. Life did awesomely. The REAL problem is that the Earth is in an ice age cycle, and another is due within a few thousand years. Why would we want to maintain the ice ages?...
770 miles, and every bit in Texas. East of Longview to El Paso....