Favorite team:Los Angeles Dodgers 
Location:The Mojave Desert
Biography:Ridding the world of psycho-babble, one shame-based inner-child at a time.
Interests:golf, wine, blues guitar
Number of Posts:61362
Registered on:8/20/2003
Online Status:Not Online

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From today's Alan Dershowitz newsletter [quote]Long before Donald Trump's hush-money trial concluded, I predicted that his conviction was a forgone conclusion – despite the obvious weakness of the case against him. Had the prosecution been brought in another part of the country, or even in ano...
[quote]Thats my gov[/quote] For some reason I thought you were in Californistan Props on being elsewhere :cheers:...
[quote]...a California teacher...what are the odds that he fully supports these policies until they come back and bite him in the butt.[/quote] I lived in California for 28 years. There are more Conservatives in California than there are in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama combined. The proble...
[embed]https://twitter.com/Travis_4_Trump/status/1796180691714990183[/embed] [quote]Today, we now know what it was they wanted repeated. It was a metaphor from Judge Merchan in which he said “ suppose you wake up in the morning and it’s not raining, but the streets are wet and people are weari...
[img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GOw8dAuWgAEQfbi?format=jpg&name=small[/img] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GOxsrt_aMAAX9Wi?format=jpg&name=small[/img]...
The true colors of the DEI movement have been laid bare. It's founded in resentment, envy, and revenge.   [quote]EXCLUSIVE — A White history teacher accused a California teachers union of discriminating against him on the basis of his skin color and called the move "disgusting." Isaac Newman...
[quote]Nick Saldiveri seems to be in the lead in the New Orleans Saints left guard battle, for now. James Hurst retiring before the NFL draft and Andrus Peat leaving in free agency meant the Saints would need a new starting left guard. But this would have been a move the Saints should have considere...
Here's another one from Joe Bonamassa's favorite blues guitarist [link=(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DM7nQCIu7kE&list=RDPYmbxxxx2Js&index=2)]Chris Cain: Hush Money[/link]...
No matter how much you hate the media, it's not enough...
6'0, 165 when I started college. 173 when I graduated. As for self-image, I was thin, and I knew I was thin....
[quote]If I’d listened to the “doctor” on this board who insisted I should get the vax despite my Pai-3 issues, I’d probably be dead.[/quote] Glad you're still around, Grrrl. Still one of my td.com faves after all these years. :cheers: ...
If you had any remaining belief in humanity, this will pretty much gut-punch the optimism right of of you. [embed]https://x.com/SabrinaSmolders/status/1795561268134150276[/embed]...