Favorite team:New Orleans Pelicans 
Number of Posts:25247
Registered on:3/31/2011
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Better than staying with what you had last year ...
how many food facilities have mysteriously burned down in the last few years?...
5th district just needs more tommy tucker ads...
They're saying what conservatives want to hear but unless they start fighting fire with fire nothing will change ...
[img]https://scontent-hou1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/444486363_475902331766954_5961665993753658934_n.jpg?_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=iSjEAcK6r44Q7kNvgGbZ4sY&_nc_ht=scontent-hou1-1.xx&oh=00_AYB0IsCGJc5Y-YHzPqc703WOH1T_BaTty2Xyi6gPvBhUMg&oe=665E43CA[/img] i dont think this is go...
all that message is missing is being written in comic sans...
it's impressive how disney has so utterly killed star wars for me that i give zero fricks about this show...

re: Yes, Jill. The Choice IS Clear

Posted by geauxtigers87 on 5/29/24 at 1:24 pm
that's DOCTOR jill biden you disrespectful punks...
lego prices vs the pieces in the sets are way out of wack right now. 300 bucks for this is steep. and this is from a guy who has a closet full of lego :lol:...
How long before the ACLU slaps a lawsuit on that...

re: US pier off of Gaza sinking

Posted by geauxtigers87 on 5/27/24 at 12:44 pm
If that doesn't perfectly sum up the state of the country idk what does ...
ghost is my favorite game of the ps4 generation, and it's top 5 period for me in general...

re: What’s your credit score?

Posted by geauxtigers87 on 5/24/24 at 10:17 am

re: Hillary Duff or Ta Ta Swift?

Posted by geauxtigers87 on 5/24/24 at 7:01 am
This man putting the work today baws. ...