Favorite team:New Orleans Pelicans 
Number of Posts:25974
Registered on:12/1/2010
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[quote]What don't you like about that from our perspective?[/quote] Pretty much all of it. There is no trade I’d make with Houston sending BI out. I don’t want anything they have in a BI trade, and I sure as shite wouldn’t be sending out picks too. ...
[quote]curious as to the purpose? switching hoses from one location to another? [/quote] same here. I'm not moving hoses around. I have a hose at each spigot. Now putting this quick connect on the end of the hose would be a lot more practical for me. ...
Zero interest in Looney. He barely played this year, and now you're telling me they are going to let him walk while eating $3M of his $8M salary? He's was never any good. He just hustled a lot playing on a special team. He's undersized and has zero offensive skills. ...
[quote]Fury Road only made 380n worldwide in 2015 when movies were doing better in general. [/quote] Didn't even finish in the top 20 that year, and as you said, everyone was going to the movies then. It's a movie franchise that has a small fanbase, but those fans think it's the best thing ...
[quote]I’ve said before, certain jobs shouldn’t be eligible for certain people.[/quote] Tell that to Hooters....
[quote]Wow so Luka was questionable and playing hurt but still has 13 points in the first quarter. So wait its possible for players to be hurt and still play well in big playoff games?? I was told thats not possible as a pelicans fan lol[/quote] Luka enjoys the attention of appearing hurt al...
[quote]You cannot go into another year standing pat[/quote] i whole heartedly agree. Would you be ok with resigning BI to 4/$195, which starts at $43M next year, and moving CJ for an upgrade at the PG position? What is the number, and trade scenario to get better if we keep BI in your ey...

re: Fail Gifs. Let's post them.

Posted by TeddyPadillac on 6/10/24 at 10:27 am
did someone from that flying car shite through their pants onto that windshield?...
[quote]I for one can. Dogs are cleaner than most kids. [/quote] Kids don't randomly shite or piss on the floor. and you dont' see kids in the grocery store too often either, b/c anyone who has had kids knows it's a pain in the arse to bring them into the store with them. And if kids are in ...
If I’m an idiot for not knowing BSG stands for battlestar galactica, then I’m ok with that. And I have nothing against battlestar galactica, I just have zero knowledge of it at all outside of beets, bears, battlestar galactica. Starting a thread and abbreviating a movie/show you want to talk...
[quote]That must be somewhere rural. Those people look way more normal than what I think of Oregon.[/quote] The majority of the west coast that isn’t big city looks like that. There’s a lot more conservative people out west than you think. You just don’t hear about them as much b/c they’re too b...
I just want to point out that nothing from the Pelicans has said we are looking to trade BI. All that’s really been reported is that we aren’t offering a max contract. The hope is to resign BI, just to a lower extension amount. Will Guillory has a nice article about why not to trade BI [link...

re: I miss Jrue Holiday

Posted by TeddyPadillac on 6/10/24 at 8:35 am
I’ll always root for Jrue. Jrue was just in the wrong role as a Pelican. He’s not a #2 guy, but the rest of the nba has seen he’s probably the best #3 guy to have in the nba. ...
[quote]I am put off by movies that are supposed to be somewhat grounded in reality (for a movie) going too far.[/quote] Sorry your childhood sucked, L7 wheenie ...
Geez you Battlestar Galactica nerds are something else. Sorry for pissing in y’all’s cheerios this morning. ...
[quote]If you can pay the fine, it’s a crime. If you can’t, it’s not. It’s really that simple in America today and no one says it out loud.[/quote] [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/d6rGZmTP9ESis/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952st9dvtt75ka618yov1pjodi0g9fcnk1ggrsq18lp&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g...
Says the actors name, no idea who that is. Shows a gif of actor from movie/show, not a clue. Abbreviates movie/show, still not a clue. Still haven’t the slightest idea what OP is talking about. ...
[quote]Which was a really good movie. The fact that that movie didn’t set records is kind of baffling.[/quote] Why is that baffling? Their is a small group of people that jizz their pants over these movies, and the rest of us don’t understand why. ...

re: Super Regionals Day 3 Thread

Posted by TeddyPadillac on 6/9/24 at 5:17 pm
Wow. One of the best catches ever made right there. The difficulty of that catch is off the charts. ...