Favorite team:Alabama 
Location:Birmingham, AL
Biography:Bama Football fan, Football fan in general, particularly SEC football
Interests:Collecting sports cards and memoribilia, sports, politics, weather, religion...jack of all trades basically
Occupation:Admin Assistant at Law Firrm/Delivery Manager
Number of Posts:20287
Registered on:11/25/2010
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[quote]Why make fun of/bully others? I don't get it.[/quote] Who are YOU to judge who xhe is or what xhe was doing? ...
[quote]Hunter Biden Guilty of All 3 Counts[/quote] Convicted Felon?...
[quote]God, why couldn't he have: 1. Shat himself? 2. Started doing some random jig? 3. Started walking away opposite of the noise on his own? 4. Missed hitting hands with the black dude trying to dap him up? 5. Left the black dude hanging trying to dap him up? 6. Sat down while everyone was ...
[quote]Hey, listen here Now I got mortgages on homes I got stiffness in the bones Ain't no beauty queens in this locality, I tell you[/quote] Joey B…making the rockin’ world go round!...
She is hot and correct! Sign me up!...
[quote]So weird seeing gays and trans celebrating their hatred towards Jews[/quote] And in support of a people who would thrill their arse if they lived amongst them. ...
[quote]Stop it...J6 was NOT an insurrection [/quote] No shite! The intellectual dishonesty that accompanies those who spew this bullshite is profound! :banghead:...
[quote]AOC must be cowering in the basement with [b]fears of being raped[[/b]/quote] Valid concerns with this crew!...
[quote]Don't forget - Trump called war dead "losers"[/quote] Says who? I doubt this is an accurate account just like umpteen other allegations against him. Recall how he commandeered the limo on J6? Yeah...same BS. I am going to call you a loser for posting this though! ...

re: 24 Dutch F-16's headed to Ukraine

Posted by Crimson1st on 6/5/24 at 12:45 pm
So the Netherlands were threatened with an "[b]unclear[/b] attack"? Wow! Scary!...
My distinct hope is that when one of these Aloha Snackbar frickers inevitably blows a bunch of shite up…that there’s a clear record of how they came to us VIA the Biden No-Border policy! ...
[quote]Although good luck finding teachers fluent in Wolof to teach their dreamers.[/quote] My guess is we’d better keep a close eye on what goals these “dreamers” have in their dreams!...
[quote]Watch the documentary. Videos do not lie! There are ballot mules period.[/quote] Let me clarify…this cat is acting as if Biden got, what, 13 million more legitimate votes than the left’s god-“man” Obama. Suuuuure he did!...
[quote]Not surprised.[/quote] Not surprising you’d answer this way too! Don’t stop believing Biden got millions upon millions more votes than Obama! ...
[quote]The principalities of darkness are in control of the nation and world.[/quote] Aye…for now…we know who wins in the end though! ;)...
[quote]Most Democrats were ugly, fat kids who never got laid as teens. [/quote] That and they got picked on as well, for this and/or just being weird. That’s why they turn into such hate filled “victims” along the way who try to lash out and retaliate in later years....
[quote]All democrats seem to be pedophiles[/quote] If they aren’t one, they’re still ok with their leaders doing it! frick those sick fricks on either option!...
[quote]Straight people during June: Man avoids gay stairs[/quote] Just in the course of ONE Day so far into June…I’m already sick of this “pride” bullshite. I mean it is all over the place. It’s so over the freaking top! And proud over what? Some dude can deep duke another dude? Seriously? It’s d...
[quote]Trump campaign has now raised $70 Million in 48 hours[/quote] They said earlier that was from “rank and file smaller donations” but with the big donations they got as well, it has topped $200 million since the sham verdict....
[quote]Everybody knows that Trump will be the main reason people tune in[/quote] Seriously this! Their ratings would be epic lows with anyone other than Trump up there! They’d better not bite the hand that feeds them here!...