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Registered on:11/24/2010
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re: VOTING Thread: Beans

Posted by rooster108bm on 5/29/24 at 5:03 pm
1 Darla 2 LL 3 sixth...
[quote]When someone's sexuality becomes the core of their identity, these results have a sick rationality to them[/quote] Because God has turned them over to their sin and it will consume them....
[quote]Rfk & his followers are loons[/quote] As is Laura Loomer...

re: The birth of the middle class

Posted by rooster108bm on 5/25/24 at 5:53 pm
[quote]The birth of the middle class[/quote] Is credited to Henry Ford in 1914 when he doubled his employees wages....

re: The birth of the middle class

Posted by rooster108bm on 5/25/24 at 5:39 pm
[quote]He tried? He talked about it but then failed.[quote] [quote]Better than Biden but at best Trump is a temporary pause for four years, then back to our current reality. Stop pretending he's nothing more than a typical all-talk Republican.[/quote] Jesus dude. I'm no Trump sunshine ...
[quote]The ICourt order is meaningless as the IC isn't even recognized by the USA.[/quote] But they all clap and applaud when Putin has an arrest warrant by the same court. Can you people not see the hypocrisy by your government?...
[quote]Netanyahu owes nobody an explanation or apology for Gaza. Hamas[/quote] Except the FACT that Isreal funded HAMAS to combat the plo....
[quote]If that's the case, then the parallels with W or even more appropriate[/quote] It more than parallels, they were marching and protesting for a month before Oct to get him out. [link=(https://youtu.be/iI5amkjq0Gw?si=VH1EyOa8h9lM3Uth)]youtube [/link] Isreal was in political turmoil lea...
[quote] A lot of foolish people have “no doubt”. I just got back from Georgia, and those people are still seething at Russia about the invasion that ended in 2008. There are painted graffitti signs all over Tbilisi saying basically, “It isn’t over. We do not accept the territory stolen by forc[/quo...
[quote]Mark Levin told listeners of his prime-time nationally broadcast radio show that Zeelenskee is the Churchill of our times......it doesn't make sense to jettison Churchill in a time of war[/quote] Churchill killed the British empire and ended up with half of Europe under communist control...
[quote]Why wouldn't they just run Michelle and win straight up? She'd crush in November.[/quote] I seen a video just this morning where Michelle put on a ball cap and sunglasses and went to several stores where her book was being sold(really just offered for sale) and not one person recognized he...
[quote]Then they aren't peace talks.[/quote] Nope. And you can't sanction, freeze assets and open criminal probes against a country and claim neutrality either....
[quote]Can the Leftists here reconcile that?[/quote] They cannot but they will damn sure charge your arse with double murder if you kill a pregnant woman....
[u]What's the going rate for locking down a highway or taking over a section of a city for "real" conservatives like you?[/u] No sentence just a fricking fire hose....
[quote]You don't think those people should be arrested?[/quote] Yep. Does your fake conservative arse think 4.5 years in prison is an adequate sentence?...
[quote]She and her merry band of morons stormed in, injured a nurse and formed a blockade. That’s patently illegal. She’s not being punished for her beliefs, but her actions.[/quote] You would have made a fine public safety commissioner in 1960s Birmingham. ...
[quote]Biden had lost Africa to the Russians[/quote] The fricking gay bullshite has lost Africa. It's not just Biden(yes I understand it was accelerated under him) it's the whole godamn bureaucracy that stays the same regardless of who's in charge....

re: Birmingham Shootings

Posted by rooster108bm on 5/13/24 at 6:44 pm
[quote]That city is just like Memphis.[/quote] Nope. It's the banking center of the south and has the best hospitals in the southeast. Birminghams crime problems can be solved easily if you just turn the cameras off....

re: Birmingham Shootings

Posted by rooster108bm on 5/13/24 at 6:19 pm
[quote]Just like the nice Subarus of Vestavia/Homewood/Mountain Brook, most of the violence in Bham is Bessemer/West End/Titusville etc. I’m not saying downtown Bhma is safe by any means. But all of the crimes in the outlying areas I mentioned above is not downtown bham. I live in Helena, just south...
[quote]The reason many southern states seceded was due to the fact the rich land owners there who made up the governing as well as the plantation class were afraid they were going to lose their slaves. The north would not allow secession for any reason, and thus the war was fought. Your average sout...