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Location:Delta State Univ. - Fightin' Okra
Biography:Lifetime TD Platinum Membership
Interests:Lies, damn lies, and statistics
Occupation:Pitcher Not Catcher
Number of Posts:4804
Registered on:9/15/2010
Online Status:Not Online

Recent Posts

[quote] Kids learn language like sponges by listening....it is an incredible ability[/quote]Underrated comment. It is truly remarkable how quickly they can pick up entire chunks of even foreign languages. I spend a lot of time in Hispanic households for work (telco installations), and their young...

re: La. THC/CBD Ban Bill looks DOA

Posted by FCP on 5/29/24 at 11:42 am
[quote]Now Senator Pressley wants chances banned[/quote] :rotflmao:...

re: Louisiana talent is very meh

Posted by FCP on 5/28/24 at 11:05 pm
[quote]Latinas are hot. Until about age 32. And then it’s downhill.[/quote]Can confirm. Unicorns like Sophia Vegara (sp) exist, but it’s generally an accepted fact that the Latin chicks fall off quickly and definitively. I’m down in Cancun with the family right now. Sons are teens aged 15 and 17,...
I’m a daily washcloth kind of guy. Just the way I was raised. That and the fact that my childhood was spend raising hogs, working on a dairy, and generally doing all the messy things that come with farm life. My own two sons have to be threatened to use one. Even though they’re doing a lot of the sa...
I do it most days for lunch. Work out of a utility truck, so microwaving something brought from home isn’t generally possible. A few guys do—they use the microwaves inside gas stations. For me, I usually get a $6 deal from either Mickey Ds or Taco Belch. Not great but not completely terrible. If...

re: Red flag behavior or not?

Posted by FCP on 5/21/24 at 1:24 pm
Looking him up on Facebook isn’t the problem. The side trip through the book club and his mom is the issue. TBH, I have probably done worse—including a stint working a contract gig for Hallmark because I knew the boss had an attractive daughter. Unfortunately, neither mom nor daughter had any intere...

re: Advice for Hawaii Trip

Posted by FCP on 5/21/24 at 1:16 pm
[quote]The island hopper was the easiest flight of the trip.[/quote]Can second this. We flew to Honolulu then immediately flew on to the Big Island for 4 days. When we were heading back, we arrived at the airport a couple hours early. Checked in and they asked if we wanted to leave immediately. We a...

re: Thoughts on Montreal and Quebec?

Posted by FCP on 5/21/24 at 12:08 pm
Lived in Montreal one summer (circa 2002) and spent another couple of weeks there as a tourist a few years later. It was a spectacular place to live and visit. Very bike friendly. People were incredibly nice. One example: Wife and I went to an Expos (RIP) game. We were standing in the ticket lin...
[quote]Graham died of complications after receiving opium enemas, as directed by his doctor, at the age of 57 at home in Northampton, Massachusetts.[/quote][link=(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sylvester_Graham)]LINK[/link] :lol:...
[quote]allergic to all metals except gold[/quote]Mrs. FCP (pics on onlyfans) says that her skin causes silver to tarnish. Not exactly an allergy, but she wears white gold instead because of that....

re: Is this True? Pics included

Posted by FCP on 5/19/24 at 8:48 pm
Math doesn't check out. I've always found Hot chicks create Hard times....

re: Which controller did you start with?

Posted by FCP on 5/18/24 at 3:04 pm
[quote]colecovision [/quote]This...
EBRSO (I think) was running radar in Central this evening, near the Starbucks. Sumbitch hit my work truck then visibly grimaced while I tooled past him at a blazing 32MPH. Had a similar trap on South Harrell's Ferry a couple of weeks ago--just west of the Millerville intersection....
[quote]guess i know what i'm doing this weekend[/quote]My whole damn 1/4 mile driveway was covered in limbs. Had to move them to the side just to take kiddos to school (because bus driver called and said our street had trees and power down). All I could think is that all day tomorrow is gonna be spe...
Demco has our power off for the second time this evening. First was about an hour and everything came back once the weather passed. Afraid this one is gonna be way longer just based on winds and whatever the hell else hits tonight. NW Livingston Parish. ...

re: DAT Underground

Posted by FCP on 5/13/24 at 9:10 pm
I knew you SOBs had to be around here somewhere. Nice to see the good guys having some success. Also, FTR....

re: It’s Just Lunch Actress

Posted by FCP on 5/13/24 at 8:21 pm
[quote] It’s Just Lunch[/quote]Unrelated, but it brought to mind Ron White's joke about the new service he planned to launch: "It's Just Lunch....And a Blowjob."...

re: Stomach virus checkin thread

Posted by FCP on 5/13/24 at 10:20 am
Went through my house last week. Three kids all caught it in succession. One skipped Monday school, one Wednesday, and one Friday. ...
Man, let me have a toke of whatever the hell you're smoking....
[quote]Black Buffalo is the closest thing I have found to have the feel of tobacco but is tobacco free but and has nicotine[/quote]Interdasting. Will need to look into that....