Favorite team:LSU 
Location:With Skillet
Biography:LSU Graduate, BS-Business Adm.
Interests:LSU sports, WWII History
Occupation:Business Management
Number of Posts:85063
Registered on:11/20/2009
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re: Braswell hitting .500 this weekend

Posted by Festus on 6/2/24 at 1:35 pm
Fielding .500 as well, :lol:...

re: That’s it.

Posted by Festus on 6/2/24 at 1:16 pm
[quote]by Adam Banks[/quote] Serious question. How hard are you pulling for Wofford to beat LSU just so you can gloat?...
Because JJ teaches them to freeze, get deer in headlights look, then dive back. He’s got to change his philosophy is all I’m saying. ...

re: How Are We Losing

Posted by Festus on 5/31/24 at 2:20 pm
[quote]TigerFred[/quote] Sticky?...

re: For anyone that missed it

Posted by Festus on 5/31/24 at 2:19 pm
The sound the ball makes coming off of that aluminum bat....:drool:...
Surprised no one mentioned Steven Moore. Brother of DA Hillar Moore. Does good work, fair price, and on the right side of politics in LA.........

re: Rate the hoe professions

Posted by Festus on 5/30/24 at 3:54 pm
[quote]madamsquirrel[/quote] You know, BEGF is a LOT like you. If you know what I'm saying......
[quote]I dont think he’ll be guilty, but if he is and goes to jail- how does ur boy run a reelection campaign form prison ?[/quote] Appeal and post bail? :dunno:...
Hey Aspy. I hear Trump about to find out. ...
[quote]Ponce de boudeon?[/quote] :drool:...

re: Rate the hoe professions

Posted by Festus on 5/30/24 at 3:26 pm
BEGF is a nurse. :drool: She's nasty and fricks any doctor that she works with. :drool:...
Cajun Boudin [img]https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/hot-haggis-on-a-silver-plate-picture-id177385779?k=6&m=177385779&s=612x612&w=0&h=kgnxlXH7VPHxwUaLok7wHRRYB7cCjLFgdC5wL5xcxws=[/img]...
[quote]I actually kinda would like to see who we are conversing with, tbh……not for any nefarious reasons at all.[/quote] I'm Festus. Nice to meet you. [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.13OkVk8bdeQtk3C_C_AyVwHaJ4?w=768&h=1024&rs=1&pid=ImgDetMain[/img]...
[quote]The dads that argue a call like thety have money riding on it. The same dad that looks online for sports agents for their future big leaguer. [/quote] :[b][i]Gaston has entered the chat[/i][/b]:...
I bought this thing and it works like a charm. Knock off of a Honda. I back fed it through my panel. Super quiet. Doesn't use much gas. Starts up every time. I got my money's worth in the first day. Highly recommend, especially for the cost. It runs what you state, plus a lot more, including a w...
[quote]watcha see?[/quote] :dunno: [img]https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/bite-size-sausage-17498857.jpg[/img]...