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Registered on:3/7/2009
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One was man made and likely funded by us. The other is an accident of nature. Yeah it kind of matters a lot . #itwasntfrickingbatsoup...
[quote]“No one dare say or even think that my father committed suicide. They killed him.”[/quote] [img]https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/files/2015/10/What-Difference-Does-it-Make.jpg[/img]...
Is there any part of the globe not falling into chaos under Biden’s watch? All of the globe’s troublemakers are free to do as they wish ...
[quote]Trump nailed them with the "You're 3%" because it was (and is) true.[/quote] 3% seems generous for this clown show. I’d venture to guess 90% of the 3% are accidental votes or simply blind protest votes who have no Libertarian affiliation ...
[quote]What is a “Motherfricker supporter”?[/quote] Most on there can’t even say “Trump” due to terminal TDS ...
What a horse’s arse. Like they owe him applause. frick that condescending arse hat ...
[quote]Sucks that two unpopular elderly men are on the ballot[/quote] Perhaps similar in age, but worlds apart in mental acuity at this stage of their lives ...
[quote]Yes, because they can actually talk policy. Trump can entertain and joke, but when it comes to policy he just reads the teleprompter[/quote] Biden can’t decipher a Garfield cartoon without a teleprompter [img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/4HmjGg306HiLHWlm2f/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952tmj5qcbaqn...
[quote]None of this happened[/quote] I imagine it went down like this [embed]https://youtu.be/XASNM1XEQPs?si=Ix902n5uA4-eomwy[/embed]...
You realize the balls of addressing an opposing political party at their convention? ...
So fricking desperate! They banked on public sentiment sinking and it has backfired. Now this lol lol ...
[quote]So he pretty much just passed a Trump supporter on the sidewalk while walking his dogs, and the guy looked down and walked past without any fanfare?[/quote] I read the post 4x trying to see what actually happened. Nothing. Nothing at all apparently they are all excited on DU about it. That...
[img]https://i.ibb.co/1rg37yF/IMG-2032.png[/img] This is so great. It’s one of the busiest posts there today with them all limp-wristedly high fiveing this guy. I bet the maga guy never even noticed this idiot or was like “whys that weirdo looking at me?@ ...
[quote]Continually bringing attention to the fact that a such a diverse crowd turned out for Trump in such a deep Blue precinct is not a smart move by #neverTrumpers on both the right and the left.[/quote] This is the true brilliance of injecting the attendance numbers into the discussion. TDS is...
[quote]NYPD estimated 8 to 10k. Still a good number. Idk why Trump's people over stated. It makes them look foolish.[/quote] My theory, because it takes a 90 minute talk and turns it into a week long news cycle of pundits arguing if the crowd was huge or just large while showing clips of it repe...
If your ford has a factory malfunction and wrecks into a house, the house is made whole and insurance goes after Ford. Sounds like the casino needs to take up their 1.2m loss with the slot manufacturer ...
Pay the lady but too late. The bad press will ultimately cost them more than 1.2 million in lost business. Idiots ...
I love how baffled they are when they leave their bubble and talk to people vs assuming they know their rationale ...
The coverage of these blue state events reaches red states. I suspect that all red state votes are shored up. Blue states sends a message that needs to be sent. It gets into the news cycle. Then the libs get some riled up at the attendance numbers they turn a one-time event into a week of medi...
[quote] He was out front but kept his back to the crowd[/quote] I just saw a snippet of an interview Maynard did recently and the topic of his stage positioning came up. He said with regard to TOOL, it has nothing to do with the mystery, or being a front-man. It came about because Danny and Justi...