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re: Who should be Trump's pick for VP?

Posted by bhtigerfan on 5/31/24 at 10:09 pm
[quote]Tulsi[/quote]No, just no. She is not a conservative. She may have left the Democratic Party, but she still agrees with 95% of their agenda. ...
Yeah I don’t get all the people on here who speak highly of him. If you look at his stances on all issues, you wouldn’t like him so much. He’s an anti 2nd amendment, climate change nut. ...
LSU would have a couple thousand fans at College Station. ...
Watching UT vs ULL at College Station, stadium is nearly empty. Couple hours drive from Austin to College Station and they might have 2-300 fans if that much. fricking pitiful. ...
Can’t wait for him to ignore it and all the Dems defend it, although they’ve put several conservatives in jail for ignoring subpoenas. ...
[quote]Jail for what?[/quote]Oh lord, where do we start? Having an illegal server in her basement to store classified documents, destroying evidence (Bleachbit, smashed phones), campaign illegally paid for the Steele Dossier, Benghazi, Rose Law firm documents illegally hidden………...
[quote]I think many are beginning to realize that an authoritarian state that spies, silences, and arrests dissenters - including those who dare run against them- is much more frightening than a second Trump term.[/quote]Funny how all of this is happening under a Democratic administration, but Trump...
[quote]Non-insane people aren’t voting for a felon[/quote]This stupid verdict is 100% going to be overturned you fricking moron. Wanna do a ban bet on it?...
[quote]Not sure rational people really want to pull the lever for a con artist cheating fraud who's ALSO a felon.[/quote]Like your people did when they voted for Marion Barry?...
[quote]Leto II[/quote]I didn’t ask if TDS infected fricks like you would change their mind. I know you’re totally fine with a two-tiered justice system. :doublebird:...
I want to see him die on live television. Hopefully a massive aneurism that has him spewing blood from his vile mouth. ...
I’m sure any rational person (meaning non Democrats and progs) can see that the kangaroo court in NYC was a sham trial. Does this verdict convince a lot of people who were on the fence to vote for Trump? I saw a video of Dennis Quaid discussing this the other day saying that he wasn’t a huge ...
[quote]So, a jury was chosen, Trump lawyers AGREED with the jury selection, Jury listened to all the testimony given, jury deliberated, jury came back with a verdict. Make it make sense to me. Exactly how is the criminal justice system supposed to work?[/quote]Firstoff dumbfrick, how about choosing a...
[quote]BamaAtl[/quote]How about a ban bet you fat bitch? When this is overturned on appeal, you crawl back into the shithole you came from and stop posting your dribble. ...
[quote]Of course not, and I'm glad that the January 6th insurrectionists are facing consequences for their actions.[/quote]But of course the thousands that burned and looted cities during the Fentanyl Floyd riots were innocent and you support them. Go frick yourselves you piece of shite. ...
[quote]BamaAtl[/quote]Looting and rioting is considered bravery to you? You’re a sick little frick that I hope is murdered by your own people. ...
[quote]And as a lawyer if you don't see how an objective standard can take power away from the state then I don't know what to tell you. I'd much rather have that as a standard than the state's definition of "reasonable".[/quote]Exactly. [img]https://i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExc2I1aGJn...