Favorite team:Elon
Location:Beautiful St George
Number of Posts:78094
Registered on:8/16/2004
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Recent Posts

[quote]NFL division round playoff is better than all that crap[/quote] To be fair, he did say "so far"...
[quote]Not one single person ever has truly walked away from something to spend more time with their family. It has never happened.[/quote] Well that's just not true...
[quote]Gallows and Anderson holding back 20 security guards.[/quote] Just by mean mugging them lol...
AJ heel turn about to be complete?...
[quote]What happened with Lesnar? Didn't he get a tryout with the Vikings or something? [/quote] I thought he played briefly. ETA... He was cut in preseason...
frickers is going to end up as Attorney General or on the Supreme Court before its over...

re: PS5 or Xbox Series X

Posted by SG_Geaux on 5/31/24 at 9:14 am
[quote]I don't understand the appeal of this point. I have a Roku it streams multiple apps off of it. How is an Xbox any better? [/quote] Well I can't play my XBox games on Roku. And the Xbox is faster. So why do I need a different device to stream when my XBox can do all of that? ...
[quote]and a 10 count pack of k-cups[/quote] This alone was probably $12-$15?...
[quote]Microsoft will rely solely on gamepass and windows integration for PCs[/quote] I dunno. Maybe. But they have been fighting for the living room for a long time. Maybe they don't care as long as the money rolls in, but it's better for consumers to have more options not less....
Honestly probably going to do this once my wife's is paid off. Sell mine, take hers and get her the newest version of same vehicle....

re: Jedi Survivor

Posted by SG_Geaux on 5/29/24 at 12:18 pm
I got bored with the exploration and maybe I didn't get far enough in, but didn't feel grabbed by the story at all....
Sounds like you didn't handle your business....
The question should never be can you, it should be DO YOU HAVE TO...
[quote] I always ask my wife if she wants solutions or sympathy. Works great. 90% of the time it's sympathy [/quote] [img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/YS8c0Z7in21AM4A2AR/200w.gif?cid=6c09b9527vouxpxuf46g1b7mptqoat5dqp01goh337wfo97c&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g[/img]...
[quote]They have made some good shite, and people are staying home. [/quote] Costs a ton of money to go to the theater to deal with assholes....
[quote]Biden will go down as the worst foreign policy President of all time. [/quote] Given the fact that it is all part of their plan, I would say it has been wildly successful....
This wouldn't happen in St George ...