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Location:baton rouge
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Registered on:3/14/2008
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re: Anyone go to Rejuvime for TRT?

Posted by lsugerberbaby on 5/27/24 at 6:35 pm
[quote]Wondering if I’m wasting my time or if they will be open to treating based on symptoms and individual goals.[/quote] If you want to be treated, they’ll treat you. It’s money for them. Your levels are at 600? How old are you? You really need to consider if this is something you want for ...

re: Forehead wrinkles

Posted by lsugerberbaby on 5/22/24 at 2:26 pm
[quote]honestly....l would say very light amount of botox [/quote] This board is really making me wonder about some of you. Y'all gotta stop with some of this anti-aging shite. Wrinkles & balding are normal - comes with age. Get over it and yourself. ...
It's a tough one. I think most people like the idea of working out and being disciplined, but it's tough putting it into action. Honestly, the only way you're going to maintain actually doing it, is if you enjoy it. I work out five times a week because it's good for my mental space, and I really...

re: Treadmill or stationary bike?

Posted by lsugerberbaby on 5/16/24 at 3:24 pm
I know you didn't mention it, but I'd consider a row machine. Probably less expensive as well....

re: Constipation

Posted by lsugerberbaby on 5/13/24 at 1:47 pm
Super Cleanse by Nature's Secret Only thing that works for me. Not hard on you....

re: Protein bar suggestions

Posted by lsugerberbaby on 5/13/24 at 9:46 am
[quote]quest[/quote] I thought these were pretty healthy. Decent protein and fiber in them. Then I read the ingredients...no bueno. I quit eating protein bars. Not worth it with all the BS they put in there. ...
I ask them if it's #1...or #2. Then decide after they answer. ...
They're not a waste of time, but I definitely appreciate the correspondence chain that a phone call cannot provide. ...
The best division in football has two rookie QB's and Jordan Love? No, man....
[quote]“downtown St. George’ [/quote] [quote]Where is this? [/quote] Harveston...
[quote]taxes[/quote] I hope we build a wall....

re: Swollen Abs

Posted by lsugerberbaby on 4/25/24 at 3:46 pm
[quote]just seems like a waste of time.[/quote] I'm leaning that way as well. It's just been part of my routine for so long that I've never really thought about the fact that I'm using my core in nearly every other workout. Just been something I've always done, but certainly going to cut back on ...

Swollen Abs

Posted by lsugerberbaby on 4/25/24 at 10:55 am
Anyone get a dissented stomach from working out their abs? Or over-working them? I heard many years ago that you can't overwork them, so I've just always incorporated my abs into every workout (5 - 6 times a week)...and train them pretty intensely. I'm wondering if I'm getting some weird adverse...
When do we start the “Do you think you could take Kayla Harrison” threads?...

re: Regardless of their sport....

Posted by lsugerberbaby on 4/12/24 at 2:36 pm
Top 20? Sounds like some participation award list. ...
[quote]If you consider yourself a woman and you want to play sports or [b]vice versa[/b][/quote] Televise this, and it all ends quickly. ...

re: Anyone take benzodiazepines?

Posted by lsugerberbaby on 4/5/24 at 2:02 pm
[quote]Why what's the difference?[/quote] There's no difference. If they can get you hooked, they'll all make their money. To the OP, don't mess with Benzos if you're not prescribed for something short term. I was taking 2mg of Klonopin for nearly 15 years (as prescribed for sleep)...ironicall...
Go get VanSlooten & Gray from Oregon and Georgia Amoore....
[quote]Michael Rubin[/quote] [img]https://people.com/thmb/Fx1AyOVImG0nbgj_WOsxV9zIrvs=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(999x0:1001x2)/michael-rubin-party-0502755ee5894303aa4453b63f369144.jpg[/img] [img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/BpnkuY1i2rBpm/200w.gif?cid=6c0...
Meee too, buddy. :lol: Thank God I go down Starring Ln to get home. Essen traffic blows. But over here you have Spectrum, which is pretty nice. If you're into group fitness, they also have an Iron Tribe on Perkins. By the time you hit a workout after work, traffic should have died down a bit....