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[quote]Biden Attny Who Put Pro-Life Grandma in Prison Drops Murder Charge Against Criminal[/quote] Democrat supporters support evil. Plain and simple. ...
[quote]Anyone who struggles with waking up early found a good reliable solution?[/quote] Connect a light to a timer to go along with your alarm. This is easier to do if single though, unless your wife needs/wants to get up at the same time. Other than that I just have to force myself not to get bac...
[quote]California high speed rail amazing success. The bridge to nowhere[/quote] I'm sure that farms owner has some choice words about it all if asked. Especially if any land was eminent domained. ...
Was this the game Rohan mustered up a comeback, and LSU hit a fg that barely crossed for the win? LSU/UT games tend to be solid match ups or at least fun games to watch. I like the uniform match up in this pic too. [img]https://crescentcitysports.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Rohan-Davey-LSU-T...
[quote]I tried to find the most recent example I could[/quote] I'm not sure you'd want to get into a tit for tat when it comes to comparing white on black vs black on white crime....
[quote]Ralph Yarl was shot and killed by a white man and wasn't crazy and it was wildly fricked up that he did.[/quote] Comparing what an old itchy fingered elderly man did when confronted by a stranger on his own property to a woman literally hunting a woman and fatally stabbing her child to death ...

re: Rainbow Pride Jersey

Posted by Tasseo on 6/10/24 at 10:00 pm
[quote]Soccer culture is great and all, but [b]if you don’t have the proper coaching, it doesn’t mean much[/b] [/quote] :lol: jimmies and joes vs X's and O's. Coaching only corrals top talent to work together. ...
[quote]CNN Reports Hostages Released by Hamas[/quote][quote]Reporting error or [b]intentional misinfo?[/b][/quote] This. 100% this. Don't trust the self proclaimed judges of "mUh misinformation" ...
[quote]The first presidential debate is on June 27th and CNN is hosting[/quote] The convicted felon moniker will be obvious, so trump needs to be ready to squash it. Definitely whem daughter molester Biden is the one fishing it out. Also he was tossing out the mis/disinformation call out in Veg...
[quote]Majority of Hispanic voters support deporting all illegals.[/quote] Americans of Hispanic decent are definitely in the majority here. Lefties can't imagine it as they don't understand the differences between each nation so you can't take the one size fits all approach. Also, can't keep pushi...
[quote]How would you know? you think giving parishes each 1 vote for governor protect minority rights. [/quote] IDGAF about protecting specific group rights, other than the basics. We aren't living in the 1960s anymore so hang up your washed up "fight for the little man" bullshite. Caring about th...
[quote]Pathetic response.[/quote] Well it was for a pathetic person, so why I found it fitting. I don't think people like you understand that y'all have destroyed traditional civics in this nation over the last few decades, so what people were taught doesn't matter anymore. It's a new ballgame ...
[quote]Tell me you failed civics class without telling me you failed civics class[/quote] [quote]SammyTiger[/quote] Tell me you groom children without telling me you groom children. ...
[quote]That’s how you actually protect minority rights.[/quote] Fricking over the majorities rights, by destroying the "sanctity of the vote" you people like to say you protect. Frick that. We all know you sick immoral fricks don't care about anything other than what gets your diabolical idea...
[quote]New Border Patrol memo pulls back curtain on how Biden is really handling border crisis.[/quote][quote]An internal Border Patrol memo, obtained by Fox News, instructs agents in the San Diego sector to release single adults from all but six countries in the Eastern Hemisphere and classify them...
[quote]Trump Reveals 51 'Intel Experts' Behind Russian Disinfo Letter on His Radar[/quote] [img]https://gifdb.com/images/high/get-er-done-twerking-dance-vco3ff7scpf8mwwy.gif[/img]...
[quote]Democrats would never win another election this way but that’s an insanely unfair system[/quote] And we all know Democrats don't gaf about this if it benefited them. Why they are heavily pushing rank-choice voting, as they clearly know that heavily favors them. Now the board lefties are...
[quote]why not just pass laws to make it a one party state? we all know why you want this. the idea that people’s votes should matter less because they live close together is insane. you love the results you don’t care about the logic or morality[/quote] I don't want to hear about your...
[quote]Let's check on how the elections in France are going[/quote][quote]A better analogy is Macron is playing Texas Hold 'Em, he's drawn a weak hand through the Turn and he has decided to go All-In on the River draw..[/quote] Is this the kind of Democracy Biden was talking about, this past week, ...
[quote]Should Landry and La GOP push for a Statewide Electoral college type system?[/quote][quote]Similar to Texas Proposal 21 which states that in any Statewide election, a candidate must win a majority of Counties in order to win that seat.[/quote] Yes. And good luck TX. Any other states have thi...