Favorite team:McNeese State 
Number of Posts:673
Registered on:11/24/2023
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Keep spewing your ignorance guys. It really is hilarious. ...
Yes, teacher salaries are definitely the only thing schools spend their money on. Money for all other programs, activities, technology, etc. just grows on trees next to the parking lot....

re: How to expand the field past 64?

Posted by Tim Gambill on 5/27/24 at 1:15 pm
Well, IMO, Lamar should have gotten in. ...
You know, I'm not even gonna waste my time explaining why your ignorant thoughts are so far off base. If that's the kind of stupidity that you want to believe, go right on ahead. ...
Awe, what's wrong? Teachers growing up wouldn't drop your lowest grade so you kept being held back? ...
Just like Burden said. The only way out of this will be for Americans to finally have enough and do something about it. ...
That's why Americans need to all agree that we have had enough. Then we need to agree to do something about it....
Well when Burden and the demoncraps have an agenda to destroy America, terrorist attacks fall right into their plan. ...
So another example of black privilege. ...
I have no problem with school choice, charters, or private schools. I have a problem with policy that takes public money away from public schools and sends it to charter schools. Again, public school funding is already a struggle without losing more of it to charters. ...
You have a problem with teachers? If so, I wonder where your life and career would be had you never had teachers? And yes, I am a teacher. ...
Not in rural schools. Where I teach, we very much have conservative Christian values. ...
Nope. It will likely be dictated by state government. You know, the people who have never set foot in a classroom to see what teaching is really like. ...
Because it takes state funds away from public schools. Funny how they do this, then blame those same underfunded public schools for declining performance. ...
Well what Geovera "Advantage" pulled in Louisiana after Hurricane Laura should be criminal. Screw insurance companies!...