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Registered on:11/17/2023
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[quote]are you still under the impression these signs were up for legitimate reasons?[/quote] Yes. They don't want people making U-Turns on that street at those points.. It can be quite dangerous to make a U-turn. Therefore, the signs. Also, if there was a section of road in my area where ga...
[quote]So are you upset about gays wanting to remove signs for no reason or are you upset the signs were removed because you liked the reason they were up. [/quote][img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/KN6ARLTQB2IAAAAd/thats-dumb-will-ferrell.gif width=400[/img]...
I mean... Schauffele... You can't help but laugh. ...
[quote]No. Only about a 10-15% chance the cut stays at +3 according to Data Golf. More likely it’s at +4 or +5.[/quote] That's pretty much what I was thinking. ...
Ok... probably a dumb question... but as things stand now, is Scheffler in danger of missing the cut? Tied for 59th? And they take top 60? ...

re: How to stumpbroke a cow

Posted by MemphisGuy on 6/14/24 at 9:51 am
[quote]The fact that this wasn’t immediately dismissed with prejudice shows just how screwed up our legal system is.[/quote] Why on earth wasn't she laughed out of the court after being ordered to pay all of Geico's legal costs? ...
[quote]Are you talking about hybrid or PHEV? There’s a huge difference. There’s zero chance a hybrid with a sub 2kwh battery is contributing that much MPG. I’m happy to discuss.[/quote] Got to be a PHEV. The Volvo PHEV battery is 18.8 kWh. On pure electric I can go 42 miles... on pure hybrid...
[quote]The "victim" of the shot has a GoFundMe set up for him, in case anyone was wondering.[/quote] For what... funeral expenses? ...
[quote]“Climate change is a bit abstract,” she said, waving her arms in the air. “Some people understand it really well, some understand it a bit, some just don’t understand it.” [/quote] And some people understand that it is complete and total horseshite. ...
[quote]Is this where Roger posts items proving that Trump is against this outcome?[/quote] Probably not. Why?...
[b]Average Text Conversation Between Men:[/b] [img]https://scontent.fmem1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/448164273_905719011595202_8766424715899316934_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p552x414&_nc_cat=1&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=FQA-OqdNugwQ7kNvgFqeEb_&_nc_ht=scontent.fmem1-1.fna&oh=00_AYCc25W_4trUa3yqOfx7m6s...
[quote]Serious question, who the hell is buying 6-10 feet of loose copper wire?[/quote] I mean... What do you do? "Yeah, I got these extra 500.... uhh... charging cables... that I no longer need. You see, I was going to build me some of them there Electric Car Filling Stations, and my plans...
[quote]I'm very, very critical of pure EV's for many reasons, but hybrids are truly a great solution to all of the problems that government is pushing EVs to solve. Great mileage, less resources used and lower emissions. No range issues to boot and they rely on an establish infrastructure. Hybrids c...