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Biography:Son of the South
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re: She's not guilty.

Posted by LegalEazyE on 5/30/24 at 2:11 pm
[quote] What the posters here fail to understand is their direct responsibility for this upstanding citizen's behavior due to your racism.[/quote] Yup. That is exactly the mentality for those who excuse this shite. ...

re: She's not guilty.

Posted by LegalEazyE on 5/30/24 at 2:10 pm
[quote]Why is it always blacks that defend criminal behavior?[/quote] Cuz it's not dey fault! Wypipol is rayciss! ...
Of course they have... They've been calling him a nazi and white supremacist who is only supported by nazis and white supremacists, since 2016....
The pattern: Publicly state inflated numbers, covered by MSM... Then later, quietly "revise" them down to the real numbers with little to no coverage by MSM. Repeat. ...
"I can't find a job because this country is racist!" ...
[quote]Could you imagine the melt if he is found not guilty, even with these liberal leaning jurors and the idiot judge?[/quote] They are going to be in the fetal position, crying everywhere. It will be awesome. The only people I know following this stuff really closely are the MSNBC types who ar...
[quote]quote: MAGA today MAGA tomorrow MAGA forever I have no idea why people say we are in a cult.[/quote] Dude makes joke... RodeGaytor be like: :wah: :wah: :wah:...
[quote] If they get the steal, he’s likely the next Supreme Court justice[/quote] The MSNBC libs think he is this country's greatest legal mind. :lol:...
That fig is obsessed and eaten up by his TDS and thinks every legal case against Trump and every action taken by any DA's and Judges against him is wonderful. He's a leftist angry gay liberal who wakes up daily thinking of Trump and goes to sleep thinking of him. Like most of the losers on MSNBC. :...
[quote] NBC makes a fake hit piece Certain Trump worshippers take the bait and use what is ultimately a good thing to bash DeSantis. They just can’t let it go. Really makes you think[/quote] Guess I missed the bashing of DeSantis by Trump supporters on this thread....
[quote]Why can't regions just be regional.[/quote] "Diversity is our strength." "We must end whiteness." "We are forcing behaviors."...
[quote]Don't forget the naacp telling blacks to leave[/quote] :dude:...
[quote]Roadgator is one of these ppl as well as his bf browneye[/quote] Sounded like they were going to rendezvous in Utah for breakfast and some Broke Back Mountain action soon. Figs. ...
[quote]I hope one day someone busts him in the mouth.[/quote] Pretty sure he's had plenty of dudes bust in his mouth. ...