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Registered on:2/1/2008
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How is an illegal alien able to rent a truck? The last time I had to rent a vehicle, u-haul, I had to provide my govt issued id. Are illegals being given IDs or did Enterprise skirt their policy? What a tragedy. If I’m the family, I’m suing the gov’t and Enterprise....

re: NC State deserves this

Posted by ibldprplgld on 6/11/24 at 4:29 am
[quote]Why are liberals so hostile? [/quote] Most of them are physically hideous -- real dogs....
[quote]Pandy Fackler[/quote] What an unforced error outing yourself as a retard like this. :lol:...
[quote]Uh, this is about college football....where the UGA 'G' reigns supreme.[/quote] Not according to this list....
Well that settles it. LSU = Iconic :pimp: Before even reading the thread, I assume this is gonna trigger folks, in particular the pachyderms. ETA: yup, I was right ...
New Orleans mayors are not the problem. The problem is the dumbass electorate here that keeps voting in these shite for brains know nothings with zero accomplishments....
She’s not leaving OU. Best LSU can do is make OU pay more for her....

re: Biden Has An Episode in France

Posted by ibldprplgld on 6/6/24 at 11:09 am
What a fricking embarrassment. If you can’t attend and participate in a ceremony honoring the fallen D-Day soldiers, you’ve no fricking right to be potus. This clown needs to be in a fricking nursing home. This enrages me....
I’m really going to hate losing the divisions. No more annual LSU-AU is a travesty....
[quote]I get what you're saying, but Ryan Secrest is middle aged.[/quote] …he’s also insufferably irritating and punchable....
To the winners go the spoils. It was a hard fought regional so their win was well-earned. I won’t begrudge them for having their moment and celebrating....
Correct me if I’m wrong, but outside of a few guys LSU wanted and needed, Saban didn’t get much from La at all. Maybe I’m misremembering. I’m not so concerned about TX. Yes they will push and have some success, but LSU will keep our homegrown guys on lock, and one advantage of La people flocking ...


Posted by ibldprplgld on 6/3/24 at 1:53 pm
This is bad even by aggot standards....
[quote]I have a deep, true hatred for her politics, race baiting bullshite. But I wouldn't wish cancer, especially this one, on anyone. Pancreatic cancer is evil.[/quote] This x100...
We need common sense illegal alien control....
‘Most transparent administration in our country’s history.’ -Karine Jean-DEI-Pierre...
[quote]I've said this many times here, I have 4 gay friends. Only one is vocal about stuff like this. The other 3 are just not interested in fighting. We (straight people) can't fight this fight, we get our lives destroyed. You guys are the ones that have to stop this. I supported gay marriage and...
There are some high profile gays that are fighting the good fight. The problem is the gay Gestapo gets the limelight. Gays Against Groomers is doing fantastic work on social media calling out this bullshite....
Don’t group us all into that bullshite....
[quote]Who is first out of the country?[/quote] It needs to be first and foremost the people who are trying to upend and destroy it, not the people who are trying to preserve it....