Favorite team:Texas Rangers 
Number of Posts:583
Registered on:6/1/2023
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USAA was once the best. Now it’s trash...
As I’ve said many times before, if given the chance, the majority of law enforcement is shite. They are power hungry and show zero remorse for their actions ...
“Until this week”. Damn dude, have an interesting week did ya????...
Come on folks, do you really think she gives two fricks about “men and dating”??? She’s just trying to get clicks...
I just wish animals like this would just have a bullet put in their heads. They need to be removed from the earth...
White people protest, while black people steal...
You know this happens more than u think. Cop busts a women for something insignificant, gets a BJ and let’s her go...
So no link or other info? Just that some lady found a playboy??? Ok...

re: HOA Drama

Posted by Lake08 on 5/25/24 at 1:23 pm
If some asshat put that in their yard, it would be removed very quickly in the middle of the night ...

re: HOA Drama

Posted by Lake08 on 5/25/24 at 12:40 pm
He shouldn’t have had to remove the bush, but doing what he did was over the top. He was just being an a-hole. Two wrongs don’t make a right. I dislike overzealous HOA’s as much as the next, but come on dude...
Before I would fight for anything this administration represents, I would just claim to be a women. frick that. ...
With cameras everywhere, they can easily zoom in and check...
I can remember even SAS has disassociated himself from her in an interview ...
There is a certain word I never use, accept she qualifies for it. She is the bottom of the bottom...
A certain demographic is notorious for this…....
Certain people just can’t have nice things…...

re: SNL Weekend Update Joke Swap

Posted by Lake08 on 5/19/24 at 8:07 am
I literally didn’t laugh once...
It’s been mentioned before, but it would be real interesting on the past arrests this fricking dolt has been apart of. ...