Favorite team:South Alabama 
Number of Posts:616
Registered on:5/22/2023
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:lol: Are you one of those AR15 board jizz guzzlers who came over here during the dog contest? Congrats on your mutt winning the contest for the crippled lady by using disinformation to rile up your fellow retards and bots to pad your votes. And congrats on voting for a guy who literally fi...

re: Thomas Massie has a new poll up on X

Posted by Grigio on 5/30/24 at 10:44 am
[quote]Israel is our greatest ally!” [/quote] Who would you say is our greatest ally? [quote]The only Democracy in the Middle East![/quote] Is that inaccurate? I'm not saying the Jews are trustworthy or have our best interest in mind, but if we are comparing them to countries who collu...

re: Thomas Massie has a new poll up on X

Posted by Grigio on 5/30/24 at 10:27 am
Perhaps if he and his colleagues did not like to frick little boys and teenage Ukrainian whores the Jews would not have as much leverage over our politics. Also, Russia has infiltrated our cultural, educational, and political systems for 50+ years. China single handedly destroyed our domestic manu...
[quote]would put a dent in the consumption of fast food by all these obese people walking around.[/quote] These fat lazy fricks are already willing to pay a 50-100% tax to have their fast food delivered to them so they don't have to put pants on and leave the house. Not sure a government tax o...
I drank mostly out of habit. And because I liked it. And it gave me an excuse to smoke. And helped me pass out. 315 days since my last drink, thinking about celebrating my 1 year anniversary coming up with a fifth of bourbon, a sixer of IPAs, and a pack of Camels. edit: and a bag of coke, inse...
The headline does not match the text. Headline: 1236% increase in deaths Text: Excess cardiopulmonary arrest deaths were estimated to have increased by 1,236% Now that we got that out of the way, clickbait like this does nothing to further the cause. As for deaths, I know about 10 people...

re: DuckDuckGo Browser and Google Maps?

Posted by Grigio on 5/29/24 at 7:55 pm
You are a fn hero. Could have used that tip a decade ago....
:lol: The classic PT thread about a Tweet that is about a Tiktok from a rando. The trifecta of credibility....
[quote]The same guy who may have violated laws spending campaign dollars at a strip club? [/quote] Says the poster who voted for a guy who literally finger fricked his 12 year old daughter and laundered millions in foreign donations through his crackhead son who fricked his daughter in law after h...
[quote]Why did he go through with J6 and get his people set up and potentially destroy his legacy? [/quote] What does "go through with J6" mean? Does he not have a right to speak in front of his residence? The speech he gave was in front of the White House, a good half mile or so away from th...
[quote]Like he screws everything - he just makes some reference to his daughter and that seems to get his penis hard [/quote] And you are the one who voted for a guy who literally finger fricked his own 12 year old daughter. ...
Andrew McCarthy :lol: That TDS cuck jerks off to kiddie porn, so I hear....
[quote]I just get reservations in a restaurant or bar connected to a hotel and let my date know I got us a room beforehand and they will shave and bring a fun outfit. Modern dating is actually pretty straightforward if you are dominant, well off, and flirt enough to make them feel good about them...
[quote]they kicked the Rooskies’ arse didn’t they? [/quote] You could argue that they kicked our arse too. We were there 20 years and left with nothing to show for it other than 10k dead, 100k crippled/peg legged, and 22/day blowing their brains out at home. Taliban is back in control of Afgha...
[quote]Maybe people have figured out he's full of shite?[/quote] :lol: You are bleeding like a dude who took a 15 inch pipe up his arse today. What has you so triggered? As for Tucker, he is more visible now than ever before. OP must be a boomer who sits on his couch all day using the clic...
Zero. However, according to the FBI, MAGA nation is the greatest terrorist organization in the history of this country. Which means the members of the jury, the prosecutors, and the judge may find their entire entire families slaughtered. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes. Vote guilty ...

re: DEI pilot crashes Air Force plane

Posted by Grigio on 5/28/24 at 8:53 pm
Some moron crashed a plane in White Sands at the beginning of the month. Rough May for NM AFBs....
"Vote guilty or your child dies in a hit and run accident" "Vote guilty or your computer will be discovered with child pornography" That works on members of Congress, no reason to think it won't work on jurors. ...
The real question to ask is did China release it on the orders of the US government to influence/steal the 2020 election or did China decide to release it on their own to influence the 2020 US election and cripple the western world economically? That determines whether we publicly execute America...
[quote]Do you honestly dream of living in a country where you can lock up some guy because you don't like his politics? [/quote] :rotflmao: When a Soros Cock Gobbling Bot shows up and gets owned immediately. The child frickers are not sending their best....