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Registered on:3/6/2023
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All that over chicken wings lol. How do these types of people afford to fly and travel. ...
Well, they apparently do that a lot, and aren’t missing meals. Too bad the USA doesn’t toss these pos in jail. And add community service picking up trash for minimum wage until bill plus 20% grat is covered. 2nd time? Toilet scrubs at jail house until bill paid. ...
I drove 2 years without a tax tag bc of cracked windshield, I yanked it off. Not replacing it to get cracked again. Figured I’d pay the tax if pulled over. Of voice I don’t live in crooked backwards towns who look for this, nor EBRP where I understand is also on the lookout. Find a connection and...
I hope so. And it would be so nice to see them all sucked up into hell to get what they deserve. DC first. ...
Oh well. It is what it is. They’d find alot of illegal vehicles and more. But we know who law and officials turn a blind eye ro. To the person who can’t get a sticker bc of window crack. Keep looking. You’ll find someone to sell you one. ...
He’s guilty. How’d he win? Pedo Joe has just been given office again to finish off our country. ...
This made me laugh at nopd knowing what a proper anything is....
My relative was a server at OG when in college bf moving along to better. The stories she told! Hilarious! And ridiculous. Some folks are just not civilized and should not be out in public. But what’s bad is it’s a corporate restaurant so managers kiss the loser customers a$$ and give freebies ...
That’s what happens when you cater to these types. If you must offer unlimited, at least have a time limit. Although not stellar, back in the day acceptable places such as RL, Applebees, Chilis, etc. really went downhill offering 2 fors and unlimited. They got the clientele the asked for. ...
I had an old roof, never had issues so never needed to replace. Why would someone replace a roof not having issues? Old doesn’t mean bad. Got a new one after Ida took shingles and adjuster said time for a new roof. Done. ...
I despise the videoing of everything these days. Too bad it all isn’t illegal. Certain folks whip out their phones for everything. None of it should be admissible. ...
Life. I liked the spinner wheel and the cars with people were cool. ...
The one here went downhill in clothing offerings following the summer of love. Ugly stuff. Hopefully, Target is waking up....
All you can do is laugh or scratch your headZ. Can’t do anything fun or nice with certain folks. Quit trying....
You are a responsible parent. And are teaching your child to be responsible and careful. This is the way it should be. And what I’d do....
And? Anyone could have a reaction to anything at any time. A friend of mine suddenly reacted to shell fish at a meal in her 40s. With no prior issues. What about a kid who reacts badly to a bug bite. Should all kids miss recess if that kid needs library time or some other inside activity in plac...