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re: How will you celebrate pride month?

Posted by Jcorye1 on 5/31/24 at 7:47 pm
Probably avoiding social media for the most part. Zero issues with LGB but hard meh on TQIA2S+...
Be a man and break up with your girlfriend if you're not feeling it anymore. That's someone's daughter, stop wasting her time. Only pussies date because they are scared of being alone....
[quote]So roe v wade stood for almost 50 years but only now after Trump puts his yes men does it get struck down. Sure nothing odd about that[/quote] Roe wade was always a bad ruling, tell Congress to nut the hell up and pass a bill. While I agree with what it did, the gay marriage ruling was ...
I mean lying under oath is a pretty serious crime....
Yep, but unfortunately it was because they died....
[quote]In other words, “Lie to me, Daddy. Hide your sins and treat me like a rube. Even if there’s a law that says you can’t, do it anyway. The alternative is worse.”[/quote] :lol: hey look everyone, this guy is above the fray, so cool! I truly hope he doesn't support literally any politician or...
[quote]The average person commits 3 felonies per day. Do you think we should all face frivolous prosecution that in the end doesn't really serve justice to anyone?[/quote] I mean no, no they don't. That being said, there's zero shot people are paying and declaring all taxes as they should, and...
Lower class is shrinking and people gotta go somewhere. I'd be terrified if my home gross wasn't above 150k....
Islamaphobia seems like a bold move from that soccer league, let's see how it works out for them....
[quote]Is this where we’re at now? We agree that he committed a misdemeanor when he intentionally falsified business records to quietly pay off a porn star, but we hope there’s a loophole to help him escape more serious charges?[/quote] You're gonna love that Congress insider trades and nobody ca...
Joe Biden has no interest in anything, it's painfully obvious he's an old fart that has zero actual thoughts going on in his head....
[quote]The thing I find funny about his statement is that Trump isn't really all that conservative. He's not all that far politically from 1990s Bill Clinton [/quote] He's a blue dog democrat...
[quote]The poli board isn't bipartisan. Never has been. If you aren't on the right you'll get threads whacked and banned.[/quote] I think you meant "conservative". I'm right and definitely used to get down voted to hell on a regular basis....
[quote]May he be the next Nelson Mandela[/quote] Hopefully not, Mandela was a terrorist....
[quote]Only if they classify it as a business expense....[/quote] I mean bribes are shown on international financial statements :)...
[quote]Everyone on this board knows that if Trump either never ran for President or lost to that wicked bitch in 2016, we wouldn't be here right now. Regardless of how you feel about Trump or his politics, this should tell you everything we need to know about this country and its institutions (and i...
[quote]After January 6th they should have impeached, convicted, and sent him home to mar a lago ineligible to run again with blanket immunity similar to Nixon.[/quote] You sho is angry. I agree if we get to do the same treatment for all the pussy hats, college kids, and various other groups th...
[quote]You shouldn't hide bribes to bury stories about fricking porn stars while your pregnant wife is at home? I'm so thankful that precedent has been set in case it ever happens to me.[/quote] I hope Texas arrests Biden as soon as he steps foot there, and Florida can certainly arrest Nancy Pe...
[quote]It’s a bold move to blame parents for wanting to watch the world burn after their children were gunned down in a horrific massacre.[/quote] It's not a bold move. I have sympathy for their plight and empathy for what they are going through, but these sorts of actions are unrealistic and sho...