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Number of Posts:93
Registered on:11/19/2022
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Give it time, they will eventually allow Ukraine to use ATACMS against civilian populations in Russia. They slow walk everything. ...

re: I hate our country

Posted by BluegrassCardinal on 5/30/24 at 4:59 pm
At the rate things are going in Europe, we won’t be alive for the Election Day. Pedo Joe giving Ukraine the green light on striking targets within Russia using ATACMS is a major escalation ...
This coming Sunday is Corpus Christi Sunday. Parishes across the world will celebrate the Body of Christ with Eucharistic processions. Meanwhile, at your local Episcopal church, Pastor Bruce will recite the Sparkle Creed and invite drag queens to the altar. Just another reason I'm grateful to...
She graduated literally three days ago and is still 17, thus a minor. She will turn 18 next month and will gain a lot more freedom as she will be a legal adult. Not “sending” her off to the military. She’s been wanting to go Air Force for a few months and has put thought into what she wants to d...
Not really. She hung out with friends all weekend, going to graduation parties and the lake. We gave her space. She turns 18 in July and we will likely loosen up the reigns. ...
Her 18 year old friend and her have been friends since third grade. Her friends bf ( where they were going to crash) is 20, with his buddies close by. Not happening. ...

Dealing with Teenage daughters

Posted by BluegrassCardinal on 5/28/24 at 8:08 pm
Great, my 17 year old daughter told me she hates me. A little context, she graduated HS last weekend and thinks she can run the roads. Called my wife and me tonight asking if she could crash with her friend and the friend’s bf. Both over 18. Idea shot down by both wife and me and my daughter pro...
Or a drunk Boris Yeltsin type that can be bribed and pushed around. ...
SPC about to extend Tornado Watches into central and eastern KY. Suppose there’s concern that a few rogue supercells may fire in front of the complex of storms. ...
Damn if this tornado isn’t taking a very similar path to the 2021 tornado that leveled towns in WKY. After Morton’s Gap it’s fairly rural. Lots of real estate to cover before it gets to the counties southwest of Louisville metro ...
The main squall line will catch up with these supercells and become more of a high wind threat with a few isolated spin up tornadoes along the line. Central and south central KY will get rocked with high winds and flash flooding. Our neighborhood has tree damage from the high winds earlier, we c...
[quote]If you are living your life as a FREAKING HERMIT, why are you bothering to care about what gender you are presenting yourself as? How does it even come into play with regard to anything? What a bizarre story.[/quote] Because he's self centered and wants it to be "all about him.' Worshi...
NATO troops in Ukraine, or the establishment of a no fly zone would lead to direct hostilities between RU forces and NATO. Z Man should have probably signed the negotiated settlement that purportedly was on the table early on in the war. Instead he bowed to Washington and learned it never pays...
Pretty much any major town/city reeks of nasty weed these days. At the risk of getting downvoted, weed is one of the most disgusting smells. yeah, let's smoke skunk and escape from reality. How edgy. ...
I get more excited going home and checking on my garden and planting flowers and vegetables. Either I'm getting old, or I lead a boring life. ...
It's laughable when Tony Blinkin runs off to Kyiv and promises endless material support to the Ukrainian government. We can provide countless Abrams tanks, ATACMS, Patriot missiles, F-16's, cluster munitions. There's a lack of warm bodies. Russia will probably probe along the line until a ma...

re: High school reunion

Posted by BluegrassCardinal on 5/7/24 at 9:52 am
Graduated way back in 1989. Not been to one. Strangely, they had a five year reunion, in 1994. Didn't figure people would have changed that much. Ten year reunion, was on active duty. I probably wouldn't recognize most of my old classmates, and really don't know what I would have in common....
Did they tuck another billion dollar deal for America’s Sweetheart, Zelensky? Or the war and death industry this country exports?...
This comes the same time that Pope Francis finally spoke out against gender reassignment. From what I’ve heard, the local Catholic parishes that offer the Latin Mass are experiencing increased attendance amount young parishioners. In my Diocese, it’s only offered at St Francis and John in George...
Ukraine won’t be joining NATO after the war either. Russia will annex territory east of the Dnieper River. What’s left will be a neutral rump state, more a less a buffer between the west and Russia. ...