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re: 52.8 Million

Posted by blueridgeTiger on 5/31/24 at 6:43 pm
I'm 82 years old and have never donated to a political campaign until today. I just sent $100 to the Trump campaign....
There were many heroics by members of the IDF on October 7. I have read about a few of them. Here's one worth mentioning: [quote] Three Home Front Command soldiers all served at the Bahad 4 army base near the community of Zikim, which has a maritime border with Gaza. The base is used to train new ...
Get back to your village. They need their idiot....
[quote]and double portions of dessert.[/quote] Guilty....
[quote] If you want to run for office, and you want to have affairs, don't commit perjury or fraud to lie about it [b]unless your name is Bill Clinton[/b].[/quote] I'm sure you meant to finish your sentence....

re: Yellowjackets are underrated

Posted by blueridgeTiger on 5/31/24 at 9:34 am
[img]https://www.mensitaly.com/images/image13101.jpg width=222[/img]...

re: WFDT?

Posted by blueridgeTiger on 5/30/24 at 7:50 pm
Salmon cooked in air fryer, Asian salad, and peach tea....
[quote]I was married to a crazy woman about ten years ago. She posted her pics here and they're probably still out there.[/quote] [quote] Username?[/quote] Those images were probably hosted on ImageShack or another hosting site that has gone commercial. I'm certain they are forever lost now....

re: Just donated to Trump

Posted by blueridgeTiger on 5/30/24 at 4:43 pm
I have not donated to a political campaign in many years. I'll be doing so right away....
[quote]Where’s the proof that Biden did it?[/quote] Please tell me that you are not suggesting that this show trial was not politically motivated. (If Trump were not running for President, this would never have happened.)...
What I'd like to see is the Texas AG indict the 51 officials who signed that letter implying the laptop was Russian disinformation. That was truly election interference....
That's what it's all about. If he was not running none of this would have happened....
[quote]I think this will end up in the USSC, not NY Appellate. There are major constitutional issues here.[/quote] That is a slow process....
Appellate Court in NY staffed by Dims....

re: Well here we go

Posted by blueridgeTiger on 5/30/24 at 4:06 pm
When they come back with a verdict that quickly, it's almost always guilty....

re: Rate the hoe professions

Posted by blueridgeTiger on 5/30/24 at 3:51 pm
Pharmaceutical representative....
I was married to a crazy woman about ten years ago. She posted her pics here and they're probably still out there....
My first job out of college took us about 500 miles from family. When we made the move, my wife was seven months pregnant. Her mom and then my mom came to help us during the first few weeks after the child was born, but after that, we were on our own. The wife didn't work then, so we had no problems...

re: Negro League stats to count

Posted by blueridgeTiger on 5/30/24 at 9:27 am
[quote]They should have a Negro league stats MLB stats Pro baseball stats[/quote] Should integrate Mexican League stats into the "Pro baseball stats"....