Favorite team:Auburn 
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Registered on:12/3/2007
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He was incredibly athletic and nimble for his size when he wrestled. I always wondered if that could translate to the NFL. I remember talking to a college O-line coach who said he liked scouting prospects who moonlighted as a heavyweight on the wrestling team. He said wrestling matches would ...

re: Yellowjackets are underrated

Posted by AUFANATL on 5/31/24 at 10:03 am
Had a handyman work on our house once and he brought his dog along. Tied his dog a tree in the back yard which, unbeknownst to anyone, harbored a yellowjacket nest. Poor pooch got swarmed and he had to run in and untie the leash getting stung a dozen times in the process. It was a great illustr...
To be fair they probably leave work everyday at 3:00. ...
90% of undecided voters don't matter in a Presidential election because they either : (1) tend not to vote in line with their apathy or indecisiveness or (2) live in one of the 40 states that is solid red or blue regardless of the candidates. [quote]But it will shift the 5-7% who are moderate t...
I'm not defending this hack judge or this dog and pony show but that is a very common instruction judges give to explain the difference between direct and circumstantial evidence. It's entirely possible he coopted it for nefarious purposes to entice a guilty plea by using it in a different cont...
Those are gypsies. They work in teams and train the younger generation. They will vanish like a fart in the wind and pop up in another parking lot in another state. I will say this about Europe - despite their woke nonsense and open arm immigration policies they hate gypsies and have been cra...
I think going forward we aren't going to see any Republican candidates with any ties to liberal strongholds. Granted Trump was sort of unusual in that regard with deep NY ties coupled with a right wing populist political platform but still. If you lived in, paid taxes in, operated a business in ...
I think $50k ($25/hr) is probably going to be the floor for most medium sized cities in the South. You can make less work but you're going to eat into quality of life and at some point you dip into safety concerns. For that total figure $38,000 after taxes, so... - $15,000 rent on a dece...

re: Negro League stats to count

Posted by AUFANATL on 5/28/24 at 5:50 pm
Wasn't part of the problem that the Negro Leagues didn't keep very good records and stats? A lot of barnstorming and word of mouth stuff. I mean if the record books say Babe Ruth went 2-5 against the Red Sox with a HR and 3 RBIs on June 2, 1929 you can bet that's what happened. That time my...

re: What would you buy used vs new?

Posted by AUFANATL on 5/28/24 at 5:38 pm
[quote]We moved from Naples back to Virginia with almost no furniture and furnished the whole house via Facebook Marketplace at a fraction of the price of new. Really good deals there if you are patient.[/quote] Agree but that can be a rough game as you could go a long time without furniture. ...

re: Travel Slings For European Travel

Posted by AUFANATL on 5/27/24 at 2:41 pm
I think if women want to feel stylish they bring along their purse or handbag. And if they don't want to be burdened with a personal item then they just put their crap in their man's day pack and reach in whenever they need something. Not that I would ever wear a man purse or a fanny pack on a...
[quote]I bet you complain when you and your wife go to the beach without kids and you bitch and moan about other kids being at the beach.[/quote] The beach was not specifically designed and built for little kids or anyone else. Everyone expects a diverse age group there. Disneyworld is for kids...
A lot of strip clubs are money laundering fronts because they are all cash with little inventory. She might be wisely managing her bundles of shame and paying her taxes but I wonder how her boss and his "investors" feel about her "stripper economics" lectures on Tik Toc. She might have nothing...

re: Rogue is better than Zyn

Posted by AUFANATL on 5/23/24 at 2:45 pm
Wasn't there some poster here who got addicted to this stuff and then started dipping tobacco to wean himself off Zyn? I swear I remember that post. I also knew a girl who lived with a recovering addict and started taking his methadone and got addicted to it. ...
[quote]I'm not on Ticketmaster's side at all, but some NFL teams and MLS teams use SeatGeek[/quote] That's a secondary market. Anti-trust laws are aimed at the original source. If Acme Widget Company establishes a monopoly on the production of widgets through oligopolistic behavior, the fact ...
The Big-0, Oscar Robertson - played all over the court, ran the offense but could score in a lot of different ways and carried his team with cool composure. They didn't have a 3 point line back then but he was regarded as a deep threat who could also drive so that opened up a lot of assists. ...
[quote]Then he basically disappeared from the public life outside of a small handful of appearances.[/quote] Carson was kind of odd in that he wasn't a very friendly or social person off the set. But as soon as those curtains opened up and the flood lights turned on he was so witty, outgoing and...
What is that, three of his last five starts he has taken a no hitter past the 5th inning? That's got to be pretty rare. ...
[quote]How the frick did their legal team think this was a better response than admitting an employee did this contrary to airline protocol?[/quote] They probably have a boilerplate response form to the lawsuit that raises every available legal defense and rather than read through them all and che...
As a nation we use 8 million barrels of gas a day. Let's say the northeast (where the reserves will be emptied) is responsible for 1 million of that. He's basically selling an extra day's worth of gas cheap into the local supply. This won't put a golf ball dimple in prices at the pump. But...