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Registered on:9/8/2022
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I mean it looks to me like he's dragging Bragg's fat arse in front of congress and the American people so we can get some answers. What is he supposed to do exactly?...

re: Mary Mahoney's busted

Posted by KCSilverTiger on 5/31/24 at 9:40 am
How did they get busted?...
[quote]I was one of the 30% of new donors, first time I've ever donated to a politician.[/quote] Same :dude:...
[quote]Obama/Clinton/Biden Shenanigans Epstein / Maxwell List of Celebs Hollywood pedos Pizzagate - remains to be seen FBI/DOJ corruption News corruption Election rigging[/quote] And Trump is still the actual president. And military tribunals. And etc etc etc....
[quote]I just dont see the motivation.[/quote] The motivation was to make Trump supporters appear to be domestic terrorists, or their wet dream was for some to actually become domestic terrorists. ...
The left has been desperately trying to radicalize Trump supporters and this was one of their dirty tricks to do it. ...
One of the dummies in that video claimed it was violence. But it wasn't violence when those frickers were burning and looting businesses during the summer of love. These people aren't serious and shouldn't be taken as such....

re: Granny says FJB!

Posted by KCSilverTiger on 5/29/24 at 8:52 pm
This made my day....
How the frick is this bull shite even allowed to happen? This whole damn thing is a clown show. ...
[quote]could result in mass suicide on the Left.[/quote] Don't get me excited now....
[quote]Please indicate Babylon Bee before I waste a minute reading a boomer thread.[/quote] I have become conditioned to always check the link to see if it's the bee after the first sentence. :rotflmao: :rotflmao:...
That was pretty hilarious. :rotflmao:...
My dog knows that sound very well. I've seen him find and clear out a nest of baby rabbits more than once. ...
[quote]honestly don’t know what I expected to see, but it wasn’t that. I was left just staring at my phone in silence for over a minute.[/quote] Exactly the same for me. ...
[quote]What kind of out of touch audacity does one need to have to think that 600.00 has lasted this long.[/quote] Probably the same type that thought saving you $0.16 at your 4th of July BBQ was some sort of major accomplishment....
It looks to me like he stopped so as not to block traffic trying to enter or leave, and he was probably looking at the pumps and parking area to see if any vehicles were coming his direction and trying to leave. Nice map though....
[quote] How do they survive?[/quote] French Fries...
[quote]had a blast doing their summer camp as a kid[/quote] Same here. We used to go to the lake everyday then once a week we'd take a field trip somewhere. It was awesome. ...