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re: Did Kamala know

Posted by MikeyWM97 on 9/20/24 at 9:34 am
[quote]She did not know, that woman is only told what to say, she makes no decisions.[/quote] Exactly. Campaigning for president is the only thing she has done as the VP, and even that is just reading scripts. ...
[quote]quote: ?? She looks like a guy pretending to be a woman. Maybe I am in the minority with this opinion... I don't think you are.[/quote] Well, reading comments, apparently I am not!! :rotflmao:...
[quote]52% of Democrats think Trump should be assassinated or aren’t sure if he should[/quote] It is sad that this isn't surprising at all, and even seems like it is underestimated. ...
I have never participated in a poll in my life. Granted I don't answer my phone if I don't recognize the number....
[quote]Kaitlan has one sexy resting bitch face[/quote] ?? She looks like a guy pretending to be a woman. Maybe I am in the minority with this opinion......
[quote] Hopefully, there is evidence there that does not get squashed, or the phone doesn't accidentally get destroyed, in an , "Oops. I didn't mean that to happen" moment.[/quote] Rest assured, if there is any evidence that can be used against the dims, it will get the Hillary treatment with the...
[quote]A mostly peaceful would-be assassin.[/quote] We laugh at this, but that is something the MSM would say to help the dims!...

re: For those who think Trump lost

Posted by MikeyWM97 on 9/11/24 at 10:16 am
[quote]For those who think Trump lost[/quote] I don't think it really matters anymore. Unless one of them completely shite the bed like Biden did in the first debate, there is nobody that is still trying to figure out who to vote for. Honestly, even if one shite the bed, I think it has very littl...

re: Debate topics for tonight

Posted by MikeyWM97 on 9/10/24 at 2:15 pm
[quote]What do yall think the topics for the debate will be for tonight’s debate[/quote] Need to ask Kamala's team, as I am sure they were given the topics/questions weeks ago. She is probably still trying hard to memorize her answers before it starts tonight....
How can they lie more than they already do? ...
They ask the question just so they can control the narrative after the election is stolen. "See, we told you guys these crazy right wingers would say the election was stolen!" It is just a catch-22, you either agree with them, or you are a crazy conspiracy theorist. The fact that the election cou...
[quote]lil fella is making me nervous with that machete.[/quote] It isn't a machete, just a small pocket knife....

re: The DNC bump

Posted by MikeyWM97 on 8/22/24 at 12:39 pm
[quote] I thought this was gonna be another cocaine thread. :/[/quote] Unrelated to cocaine... Hunter said he was looking for a small ziplock baggie containing some flour. Have you seen it? He would like it back if found....
[quote]They hated GWB just as much.[/quote] I wouldn't say they hated Bush as much as Trump, but I can definitely remember the near constant onslaught against him. Every problem in Obama's presidency was blamed on Bush. It wasn't until Trump came along and gave them a new villain, did they fo...
[quote]quote: No way in hell I would vote Cassidy again Cassidy doesn't run until '26 but I get your point.[/quote] I really hope he runs in '26, because I really want to vote against him!! :lol:...

re: Is the DNC violating the Hatch Act?

Posted by MikeyWM97 on 8/20/24 at 12:45 pm
[quote] because no way they'd break such a significant law in public view.[/quote] LOL, had a good laugh on this. They will do whatever they want in plain view for the world to see, and nobody will do anything about it. GOP will hold some hearings and act real tough for the camera, then go home...
[quote]quote: TBH, I just don't know. Toe the line just sounds funny because it has me thinking of the toe on your foot. But tow the line makes be think you are pulling a rope. It’s an old saying but in the context of applying it to today’s MSM “tow” would be appropriate for those who believe ...
[quote]“Far right” [/quote] I know, so scary... :lol: If you don't toe their line, then you are now "far right". I take it as a compliment honestly! ...
[quote]Looks like all those Venezuelans the dems imported for votes picked the "wrong" side.[/quote] I think they feel pretty confident that they will be able to get the vast majority of these immigrants to vote Dim. If they didn't, that wall would be built so fast, and the media would be attack...
[quote]More importantly, what else would she cover up for the Biden administration? An assassination attempt on his political rival, for example?[/quote] And that is the million dollar question... and I believe yes, they would. Not necessarily for Biden, but the puppeteers behind closed doors....