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[quote]Johnson lost all hope after passing the funding bill and sending money to Ukraine. He is a huge disappointment.[/quote] 100%, but I wonder which agency captured him and how long ago....
She's a fool. Does everyone remember Johnsons tweet about the border during the budget talks? This is a distraction for the sheep....
[quote]Lol so give the military to the left? Jesus[/quote] The command is already to the left, you are 10 years behind the times. Why did you defend the 750 bases, ignoring the presidents order to leave Syria and the discrimination in the ranks? If you accept these as acceptable, you are the p...
"Only a fool would let his enemy teach his children." -- Malcolm X...
[quote]Maybe I’m just catching this wrong, but are you basically gloating over the fact numbers are down?[/quote] Gloating, no. Pleased, yes. The DOD has labeled the following items as signs of domestic white nationalism 1776 flags Gadsden flags Red hats The DOD has embraced DEI and raci...
[quote]It’s not for everyone and has got worse but we still have plenty enlisting.[/quote] momentofmooch, google the numbers, "plenty" is your opinion and not the dod's....
[quote]Weird because my posts I have more people agreeing with me… think what you want little fella.[/quote] Most people are not joining the military anymore and more are not re-upping, that's a fact. Your upvotes don't compare to that fact. Go get some free lunch....

re: Currently in Poland

Posted by Tandemjay on 5/31/24 at 9:24 pm
[quote]It’s full of dems, illegals, rats, poop & trash. All yours bub[/quote] And freeloaders to....
[quote]Trump won't step foot in a jail with a secret service detail. House arrest on the other hand? That could be what happens.[/quote] House arrest? Trump needs to ignore it. Let them arrest him on the campaign trail for the world to see the failing state in it's glory....
[quote]It’s quite shocking how conservatives have fed into the cancel culture of the left and just give up.[/quote] momentofmooch, I doubt you have been in the military or you would know those joining have no control over military culture/rules. That comes from the top down and the GOPe has appr...

re: Summer Food Programs Are A Joke

Posted by Tandemjay on 5/31/24 at 5:53 pm
[quote]Keep hating because I have nicer shite then you[/quote] You don't get it, are your parents like you? Are they leeches to? I don't have to ask for any of the shite I have. White trash ...

re: Summer Food Programs Are A Joke

Posted by Tandemjay on 5/31/24 at 5:44 pm
[quote]I’m not rich but I’m not poor[/quote] Bummer to still be living with your parents....

re: Summer Food Programs Are A Joke

Posted by Tandemjay on 5/31/24 at 5:41 pm
[quote]And you have guys that claim to be conservative loading up on "free" food while claiming he doesn't need it.[/quote] momentofmooch is trans-conservative, it's a mental condition...

re: Summer Food Programs Are A Joke

Posted by Tandemjay on 5/31/24 at 5:37 pm
[quote]Ehh I’ll take a pic of OG pizza rectangle on my granite countertop next week when we get it and let you know if it’s as good as it was as a kid.[/quote] Take a pic of the double-wide as a bonus!...

re: Summer Food Programs Are A Joke

Posted by Tandemjay on 5/31/24 at 5:33 pm
[quote]idgaf about some random internet posters opinion on how my family feels over a school program that I pay thru taxes and it’s open for everyone regardless of income or status. Peanut brain[/quote] Of course you shouldn't care about me, but when your kids ask if they were raised by white tra...

re: Summer Food Programs Are A Joke

Posted by Tandemjay on 5/31/24 at 5:29 pm
You will hate life when 1 or all 3 of your kids ask you why you took handouts, when you didn't need to. When it happens, don't blame them....
War room click bait. Bannon talks a good game, but it's a job for him now....
[quote]GOP Senators Vow to Nix Funding for 'Partisan Lawfare'[/quote] These losers just passed the dems budget less than 7 weeks ago and now they bring this up? They have no respect for the sheep. Stop voting GOPe....

re: Summer Food Programs Are A Joke

Posted by Tandemjay on 5/31/24 at 4:49 pm
[quote]It’s open to everyone, I don’t agree with it, but with 3 kiddos we get ours next week and not turning it down with how much inflation affects the avg household. It’s estimated basic costs to each household is 11k difference this year. Granted it is because of subsidized shite like this but ag...