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re: Summer Food Programs Are A Joke

Posted by riverdiver on 6/1/24 at 9:44 am
[quote]It’s estimated basic costs to each household is 11k difference this year. Granted it is because of subsidized shite like this but again it’s not welfare and open to everyone.[/quote] Why can’t you (and your wife, or husband) support your three kids? Then you understand that costs ar...

re: Summer Food Programs Are A Joke

Posted by riverdiver on 6/1/24 at 9:40 am
[quote]Well your opinion buddy, if it was thru state or fed gov filling out a form id agree but when it’s for everyone in our district idgaf.[/quote] Where do you think the money to pay for this is coming from?...
[quote]If he goes to Rikers, he will win every black vote in the country. [/quote] He’ll pick up some of the black vote. But every black vote, or even a majority of them? Nope. Stupid people have reliably traded their vote for years in exchange for some trinkets and free crap....

re: Trump Jr on with Tucker

Posted by riverdiver on 6/1/24 at 9:07 am
[quote]This is the goal of theirs. Knew it was coming[/quote] Of course. Take away his SS protection, lock him up in Rikers, cameras break, guards go to sleep, Trump gets Epsteined. That’s what they want....
[quote]J6 scared them so badly that they believe they have to hunt down and jail conservatives. Peter Navarro is sitting in jail.[/quote] All by design. People who literally just shook a fence and yelled at Cap Police have been imprisoned, sentenced to years locked away. People who weren’t even ...
[quote] I look for the appellate court to stay the sentence while he appeals.[/quote] I think Merchan sentences him to prison, and has him remanded straight to Rikers. It’ll throw the RNC into chaos. Some will push for an alternate candidate (which is why Haley had stayed visible). Thsts what ...
[quote]I absolutely don’t see a way Trump does not go to jail for a while(at least 1 year maybe all 4 years). Democrats and establishment Republicans are trying to make Trump an example for people who don’t agree with them politically. Trump’s going to jail.[/quote] Sentencing, IIRC, is one week ...
[quote]I also believe this, but I don't think it's going to have the desired result. The next option will be to stop him from campaigning. I don't believe he'll ever see the inside of a jail cell, but I'd bet that house arrest is still on the table.[/quote] IIRC sentencing is scheduled one week b...

re: They just proved Trump right

Posted by riverdiver on 5/30/24 at 8:07 pm
[quote]If they don’t stop, they are gonna get him elected[/quote] Sadly, I don’t think that happens. The left has been emboldened by 2020. Issues found/brought up in court cases, but shot down by judges due to “lack of standing” now show them how to not repeat those mistakes. Sentencing is ...

re: This country is forever changed

Posted by riverdiver on 5/30/24 at 7:59 pm
[quote]We can if people start making every decision carefully. It starts with what you buy, if everyone votes with their wallet things will turn fast. Thats the part people haven’t figured out yet.[/quote] Nice thought, but we have a sizable chunk of the country who’ve willingly traded their vote...
[quote]I'm going to tell you that is entirely false, There is no way anyone survived that[/quote] I agree with you, provided they were actually onboard. Just looking at the pics/names, can you honestly say there’s nothing strange about it?...
[quote]Why people continue to leave guns in their cars/trucks is beyond me.[/quote] Yep. Some of the same people who complained when that poor gal was murdered at the railroad crossing routinely leave guns in their vehicles....
[quote]I feel like they’d atleast change their names.[/quote] Not saying the story is true or false, but not changing their names? Sometimes the easiest way to hide is in plain sight. Who’s going to question it? The majority will write off those questioning it as loons, because everyone saw i...
[quote]She has also been putting up the invaders in public buildings like community rec centers, Logan International etc, and Boston residents have been getting pissed about it.[/quote] Tough. They voted for it, just like the people in other left wing crapholes. Until they wake up and vote ...
[quote]I’ve never ever heard of that.[/quote] Saw something on tv a couple years ago about chili buns. Seems like the place serving them was either in the Midwest or up North. May as well doctor the chili up and eat a Sloppy Joe. Chili dog has to have the dog component. ...

re: Notice no Antifa or BLM at rally

Posted by riverdiver on 5/25/24 at 6:29 am
[quote]They haven’t been called to duty yet. Be patient.[/quote] Exactly. The left wants to use these losers in a dramatic situation that they can exploit for the most visibility....

re: Questionable Happenings

Posted by riverdiver on 5/25/24 at 6:09 am
[quote]It happened a week ago I believe and the only reason why it has gained any traction is the attempted breach at Quantico and the SF Community around Ft Bragg is pissed because they don’t think it being taken serious.[/quote] The accomplice in the car was questioned, then released. They had ...
[quote]That dumbass with the " NO NO Trump" sign.. You don't put "no" in a crossout graphic.. they are just so dumb. Like stupid children...[/quote] Too dumb to know it’s a double negative, making it a pro Trump sign.....
So the left cries, demanding diversity. Having a supposedly straight white woman get publicity in a majority black lesbian basketball league is a perfect example of diversity. But they don’t want “that kind” of diversity. Can’t keep the sky screamers happy....
[quote]Not with Secret Service there with him. Even Hillary can’t pull off a hanging twice.[/quote] Don’t write off the Clintons, there’s a long history of those associated with them dying under mysterious circumstances. Everything from unfortunate weightlifting accidents to plane crashes to ...