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re: Summer Food Programs Are A Joke

Posted by MurphyGator on 5/31/24 at 9:33 pm
I used to feel that way too. But, my niece started teaching second grade a few years ago in a poorer area. She had a little boy in her class whose mom was in jail and the kids got put in foster care. He would dig through the trash in the cafeteria looking for leftover food he could shove into his po...
He's a drug addict, spoiled rich kid turned spoiled rich adult. Still gets a hefty yearly allowance from the Kennedy trust. Never done a real honest days work in his life. ...
I did actually hear the recording of him asking for the Georgia votes. I can't deny that one....
I just got home from work and my wife handed me a CWG (Cheer Wine and gin) as I walked in the kitchen. It’s actually pretty good. ...
Politicians that break the law should be prosecuted. Doesn't matter which side they are on. Either Republicans are too lazy to find crimes committed by Dems or they tried and didn't find any. ...
Trump could have helped pay their legal fees. Trump could have gone to their trials and held press conferences outside the building as a show of support to the Jan 6 protestors. But, he didn't try to do anything to help them....
He could have helped pay the legal fees of some of them.....he didn't do jack shite too help those poor people who stuck their neck out for him!...
Trump could have stood outside of all of those trials and held press conferences in support of Jan 6 protesters , but he didn't.... Trump could have helped pay their legal fees, but he didn't........
She came out awhile back and said that letter was fake and it wasn't her signature. ...
Tiger Woods was same way. His wife was beautiful but the skanks he chested on her with were ugly as hell. They must have done butt stuff....
I guess Trump lubes up his dick with Germ X hand sanitizer after he fux porn stars and sluts. That is one thing I've always found him stupid for, claiming to be a germaphone while screwing sluts without wearing a condom. Oh, and pee is sterile is the answer to your Russian hooker question. ...
He could have paid the porn star cash. ...
Could have gone to their trials as support. Could have helped pay their legal fees since he's loaded....
Yep, pretty much! This helps GOP get rid of Trump without ruffling the feathers of his MAGA supporters. They're jizzing themselves right now....
Trump didn't do anything to help the Jan 6 protesters with their court cases. He didn't help them with their legal fees. Not sure why anyone would stick their neck out for him now knowing that he won't come to their defense and offer help....
Didn't the trial have to be in NY and jurors from NY since that is where the crime occurred?...
What happens in this ASSYLUM you mentioned? ...