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Registered on:7/22/2021
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[quote]So, let’s say I have a good week at a non-signature event, around 20th or so. Maybe a little more than $100,000. That means: Flight: $800 Accommodation: $3,200 Caddie: $10,000 (eight percent plus weekly rate) Coach and trainer: $2,000 Food: $200 Federal: $37,000 Tournament state: $7,...
[quote]But a Baton Rouge judge who sentenced Christian Lee King to three years in prison... ...District Judge Eboni Johnson Rose imposed a 20-year sentence, but suspended all but 17 years of the prison stint[/quote] Great technical writing by the Advocate....
On his day 3 round being over par, an argument can be made that it was because of his caddie. He had a fill-in that day while his regular caddie attended a graduation....
[img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GONOtcia4AAHLFd?format=jpg&name=medium[/img] The Mayor and Police Chief will be at the press conference and [quote]The Chief will provide her completed findings and address any policy violations.[/quote] If the arresting officer is found to have violated policy,...

re: Scottie Arraignment

Posted by Witty_Username on 5/21/24 at 10:12 am
[quote]It will end with an agreement for Scottie to make a public apology and he will pay a fine for a traffic violation. The DA’s office is going to let the thing die down a little and then push to let the police save face by getting a fine paid. [/quote] If I'm Scottie, there's no way I'm settli...
I have one of those jobs and choose to live in Louisiana. The low cost of living is nice....
[quote]If those stats are accurate and from a reputable study, it has to begin the tide turn.[/quote] It appears to be PubMed. As far as I know that's pretty much the gold standard....

re: Chattanooga pronunciation

Posted by Witty_Username on 5/16/24 at 2:17 pm
[quote] Now do Natchitoches[/quote] NACK-uh-dish Not to be confused with Nacogdoches....
[img]https://y.yarn.co/f368e07c-6d8f-498b-9dd1-f9f02f0b7ac6_text.gif[/img] [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/yZjcNgKGCYfJu/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952he4tcmjpfkoqz71nx62u09666hd8ybyu6m9n5859&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...
Our golf course is currently privately owned, but the ownership team is ready to sell it. Their preferred vision is to become a member owned club. Do any of you have any thoughts or input on this?...
[quote]Can find a nice used one for 5k [/quote] A guy I knew traded his old Club Car in (I think a mid to late 2000's model) because he didn't want to replace the batteries. The guy he traded it in to quoted me just north of $5k for the cart plus installing a lithium battery. I could probably ge...

re: New Titleist Drivers coming

Posted by Witty_Username on 5/9/24 at 2:43 pm
[quote]Sure is -- got fitted and bought the TSR3 for $599 on April 15th. Feels good to be me. Maybe I should send it back for a refund and then buy one to get my $150 back. [/quote] [quote]BenDover[/quote] They saw you coming! ...

re: What is the catch here?

Posted by Witty_Username on 5/6/24 at 8:33 pm
You don't happen to have a warrant do you? One time a while back the local sheriff sent a bunch of these out to people with warrants as a sting operation that yielded quite a few arrests....
From the comments: [embed]https://twitter.com/i/status/1680221257227182080[/embed]...
I went to high school with the girl in the red dress at the beginning of the video. :cheers:...
In the amount of time it took you to create this post, you could have done this: [link=(https://googlethatforyou.com?q=Can%20you%20return%20a%20purchase%20to%20any%20Lowe%E2%80%99s%20for%20exchange)]Google Search Engine[/link]...
[quote]figs 4 Gaza[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/q6L6vvzdEjgAAAAM/man-beard.gif[/img]...