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[quote]unless courts declare the whole statute unconstitutional.[/quote] Which it almost certainly is. I don’t even know if his attorneys raised it though....

re: Catcher's Interference Rule?

Posted by holdem Tiger on 5/30/24 at 10:35 pm
Why make a rule that lets you stand all above and around the plate, but not touch it? Is it a reasonable interpretation that the rule means the catcher can’t take a step forward? I mean it was a pitch and there’s a batter to think about, even if he stepped away this time. I don’t understand wh...
[quote]Eyes smile[/quote] Well that’s weird…...
Of course not. All the teams odds to win will add up to 115% or so. That’s the juice, and you can’t take the other side....
It’s voluntary like traffic laws. That was a good example. The statute also says specifically how many years you’re going to jail if you don’t pay.....
[quote]everybody knows you can’t move stones/bricks via boat.[/quote] Elaborate, please....
Now 51% off. Good. frick Nike...
Who is gonna crack down on the litterers and the 400dB cars if we don’t have our own force?...
Y’all are all legal geniuses! Seeing the opposite of what the actual lawyers see. Yes, Braggs case is awful. But this testimony is a positive for him. Sorry you can’t reason it out...
[quote]A make believe crime[/quote] Undoubtedly. Also the whole statute is unconstitutional in NY because it does not enumerate the additional crimes as their constitution specifically requires....
You seem to understand it less than anyone… [quote]What is false about that?[/quote] They weren’t legal expenses dude. The misdemeanor is a slam dunk (but too old to bring.) The only question is the furtherance of an additional crime....
Of course the whole case is bullshite on many levels. However, this testimony is considered damaging to Trump because his lawyers are arguing the payoff was only to prevent personal embarrassment, not to influence the election....

re: history of invention

Posted by holdem Tiger on 5/12/24 at 11:22 am
[quote]he got patents on other people's stuff before they got it. [/quote] Doesn’t sound right. Back then we were a “first to invent” country. How many amazing inventions were made by people who couldn’t prove it?...
I’d bet big money that blacks would go heavier for Newsome than Kamala....
This implies Trump is competent and has many friends. Neither are true. I expect immediate disarray if he actually wins....
[quote]When damone watches pearl harbor, she cries for the Japanese kamikaze pilots.[/quote] There were no kamikazes at pearl hatbor....
Because they want a return to authoritarian rule....
[quote]Do you really believe that a baby is killed at 8.5 months?[/quote] There are states where killing an unborn baby is legal until the moment of birth with no restrictions. There are many others that require a medical reason for very late term abortions. Reasons can include the mental hea...
[link=(https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/menachem-begin-warned-us-about-joe-biden/)]National Review[/link] In 1982, at a closed-door meeting of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Biden had threatened Begin with cutting off military aid for Israel’s offensive campaign in Lebanon. As Tevi ...
[quote]I'm trying to increase the amount released. Where are the pills for that ?[/quote] [quote]by sqerty[/quote] Name doesn’t check out....